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How to Test the Working of your Antivirus – EICAR Test


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Have you ever wondered how to test your Antivirus software to ensure it’s proper working? Well here is a quick and easy way to test your antivirus. The process is called EICAR test which will work on any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research. This process can be used by people, companies and antivirus programmers to test the proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware software without having to deal with the real computer virus which can cause damage to the computer. Here is a step-by-step procedure to test your antivirus.

Read the full article at source:


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I've done this test previously, and I'm actually curious as to what it is about the above string that dictates it as a virus ?, according to the wiki "It makes use of self-modifying code to work around technical issues that this constraint imposes on the execution of the test string."

The problem I see with this is that it was specificly engineered to be detected by AV software, which is the exact opposite of what a virus is deisigned for. The above whilst does test to make sure an AV is working to some extent, even the most basic AV will be setup to detect the above, it's being able to detect NEW threats that's the issue.

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