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SRS Audio Essentials (Windows 7 & 8 x86/x64) -Workaround With Patch


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Ramesh Yadav

I am confused, i dont know what happened. But the volume level seems same now with or without AE, with or without cr@ck. I dont know how this happened.

But i will tell what i actually did, maybe that can help u in diagnosing the cause.

I placed the original SRSDSPProxy.dll back in place of the cr@ck one. and i restarted the SRS service. I checked the sound quality. Then i again placed the cr@cked SRSDSPProxy.dll and checked the quality. I dont how but now the volume level is almost same in all situations. I think this happened because of RESTARTING SRS Service.

No problem with sound quality also...

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Ramesh Yadav@ I told you i checked before with or without crack sound is same as i mention earlier, maybe older version has the better quality sound than this!

Reason why i am saying this cause i even test the version looks like sound is slightly better on it. You should tell me your opinion.

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Ramesh Yadav

Please ignore my last post, now i found out the way to reproduce it exactly.

After getting the high volume as i told in above post i restarted the laptop to make sure it remains high. But unfortunately when i checked the volume now after restarting, it again went to very low (less than half probably)

So here is what i did to bring it back to high volume:

1. I closed the AE and stopped the SRS service.

2. Then i put the original SRSDSPProxy.dll back in place (replacing the cr@cked SRSDSPProxy.dll)

3. Started the SRS service. Started AE. Checked volume. Volume became high. (But now its not cr@cked, so no extra functions work)

4. I closed AE, stopped SRS service.

5. Now i put the cr@cked SRSDSPProxy.dll replacing the original SRSDSPProxy.dll.

6. Started the AE Service. Started AE. Now the volume is high and the program is cr@cked too.

But whenever i restart system the volume again goes back to very low and i have to follow the above 6 steps again to make it high.

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My last word here, there is not another crack at the moment, beside there is not much different between last and previous version. You can use older version with fully functional crack or the new version implementing older crack. In the mean time i look forward checking if there is any fix, if there is i will post here.


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Ramesh Yadav

I would also like to tell one more thing that when i ran the action services.bat file, in the command prompt all things show success messages except one:

C:\Windows\system32>sc config DcomLaunch start= auto

[sC] OpenService FAILED 5:

Access is denied.

I ran it with Run as Administrator option.

Could this be the cause of low volume problem?

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Ramesh Yadav

My last word here, there is not another crack at the moment, beside there is not much different between last and previous version. You can use older version with fully functional crack or the new version implementing older crack. In the mean time i look forward checking if there is any fix, if there is i will post here.


I understand that dude, i am just giving these details hoping that it may help u in finding out the fault in ur cr@ck, thats all. If u dont like me posting these details then its ok, i will stop. Thanks for ur efforts anyway.

I will use this new version, all i have to do is follow those 6 steps. So i dont mind doing that everytime when i need AE. Because i dont use it frequently.

The reason i need new version is for the VOICE feature.

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I never tell you that i don't like your post carry on posting it is good for community, give us fed-back that not many people does that.

I think if any problem with sound quality cause we are forcing older version of SRSDSPProxy.dll to the new version. I think it has nothing to do with action services.bat.

Note@ Personally i am using older version at the moment.

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Ramesh Yadav

thats why i did too haha.. i dont want to revert to old version this one is much better :D

Did u get high (normal actually) volume following the steps i mentioned in previous posts?

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thats why i did too haha.. i dont want to revert to old version this one is much better :D

Did u get high (normal actually) volume following the steps i mentioned in previous posts?

yah..thats what i did :D , when im not using my computer i put it on Sleep Mode so it wont change :D
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Ramesh Yadav

Ok, so that proves that the problem is in cr@ck only. I will wait for the next/better cr@ck and till then i am happy with the current one too. :)

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I have a question

I use 2 operating system is also a hard drive Win7 & Win8cp

SRS Audio installed on Win 7 it OK

SRS Audio installed on the hybrid not attached Win8 announced as such after

Posted Image

Why le any conflicting operating system, download the software

Please explain or intelligent

madeinheaven Why .?

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dat369@ I successfully install it Windows 8 yesterday i even post the screenshot in first page. However it failed first time i tried but was successful second time.

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dat369@ I successfully install it Windows 8 yesterday i even post the screenshot in first page. However it failed first time i tried but was successful second time.

Replace the successful installation so I asked . I remove and reinstall for no less than four times win8 , all unsuccessful

Did not understand the label from scratch, you no explanation :wtf:

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Well its a matter of taste, but in my opinion DFX is much better in sound-quality and much easier to install to,no services and other disturbing crab.

Yup, that's perfectly right - it is a matter of taste (but I was unable to taste the disturbing crab.) :lol:
DFX not working on Win 8 with IE or Chrome lastest version. It only work with WMP
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Me too experienced volume issues turning half, after the patch was successful then i shut down my computer, when i turn it on, the audio volume turns into half.. i hope this fix

Ok, so that proves that the problem is in cr@ck only. I will wait for the next/better cr@ck and till then i am happy with the current one too. :)

Nope, there's no problem in the crack - have already installed the same in 4 different OSs with no issues whatsoever. The volume level does change, but - only once (the very first time that I install.) Thereafter, it respects my volume preferences and stays put.

Reason why i am saying this cause i even test the version looks like sound is slightly better on it. You should tell me your opinion.

My hardware is returning a better sound quality with the latest version. :rockon:
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Do I have installed SRS , i'm remove some software related to audio , or it any way , so far can be installed on win8

Or guidance to help me.Thanks.

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Do I have installed SRS , i'm remove some software related to audio , or it any way , so far can be installed on win8

Or guidance to help me.Thanks.

Did you install your sound card driver Windows 8? Cause Windows 8 is not final it does not automatically install driver for you therefore you need to find that in manufacturer page and install it

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Work perfectly also on Windows 8 ^^

No apply MS Patch, only replace "SRSDSPProxy.dll" in common files folder (kill SRS Service before) and work like a charm !

Thanks ;D

@All, this program is awesome, sound is really great

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i tried to activate on win7 x32,followed the instruction but it still says that the process has stopped working.a little help! :(

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i tried to activate on win7 x32,followed the instruction but it still says that the process has stopped working.a little help! :(

Activation is not to be confused with the "Process has stopped working" error - do search the SRS topics to find the solution for the error. ;)
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I run the windows update fix after i restarted the pc from srs install and now it works flawless. Thanks


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I'm getting "SRS Audio Essentials encountered an internal error. This can occur when required system services have been disabled.

Click the 'Start Service' button to remedy, or click 'Cancel' to quit the application."

Followed the instructions to the letter. On Windows 7 x64, any suggestions?

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I'm getting "SRS Audio Essentials encountered an internal error. This can occur when required system services have been disabled.

Click the 'Start Service' button to remedy, or click 'Cancel' to quit the application."

Followed the instructions to the letter. On Windows 7 x64, any suggestions?

After apply crack you should restart the services again it is all in instruction in the first page,

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