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Back up and restore messages in MS Outlook


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I have degraded from windows 7 starter to windows XP. Before installing XP, I had a copy these two folders in order to restore my messages and configuration in MS Outlook:

C:\My Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook


C:\My Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook

After installing XP successfully and MS Outlook 2007, I pasted those two folders to the destination, respectively:

C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\


C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\Application Data\Microsoft\

But I still cannot restore my email messages as well as my configuration.

Please help me to restore my email message....!!

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On Windows 7, it was Outlook 2007 too ?

You have to use the import / export feature in Outlook. Best way would be to use pst files. Do you have some pst files ? If yes, import it.

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You can also add your existing .pst file using Data File Management. Under File -> Data File Management, Data Files tab, locate and add your backed-up outlook.pst file then set it as the default storage.

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  • Administrator

So then, the above solution worked? :)

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