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P2P, the end of music?


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So, I was just wondering what you guys thought will happen to the media industry 10 years from now. I mean, as we find more and more ways to get media for free, and as the profits slowly fall for actors, musicians, etc, what incentive will they have to produce more? I mean yeah, some artists and filmakers don't care if their stuff is pirated, but If they make NO money on a project whatsoever, producing films and albums will end up costing THEM money, which to any logical person, is something you wouldn't continue to do. So yeah, we are getting a great deal in the mean time, but in long run, aren't we just fucking ourselves over?

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Don't think so, if the prices go down the number of sold albums/songs will rise and when they figure out the right price people won't keep on downloading, I guess. But for the moment the music industry still makes enough money, don't worry about that. Besides musicians will never stop because they can performance at concerts and stuff like that. For movies the same goes: It's nice to watch one at home, but the cinema really does it, for me anyway.

They'll just have to cut their expenses to a lower level(paying actors less, maybe? They get way too much, just like soccer players...) and for musicians the record companies should make a little less profit maybe, but they won't, not yet anyway.

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