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[Solved] KB 2699988

Pete 12

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We all got the KB2699988-security update from the monthly micr.updates. Never had any problems,on our Win7 Ult.x64,with these updates,until KB2699988 appeared! After installing this update, we could not start our 32-bits IE9 browser anymore!!! The 64-bit is no problem, but after applying KB2699988 NO 32-BITS BROWSER ANYMORE!!! So we had to rollback this update, the rest of it worked fine. When we tried to uninstall IE9 , we got only the IE8-version x64 back,so also no 32-bits IE8 browser ( the browser starts,but only a big white screen with buttons that dont work!!) Is there anybody who encountered the same problem, or has anyone a solution for this problem???

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Morteza,do you have DFX installed,or do you have the plug-in ( In Win-Med.Player!!) in your browser??

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Me neither. Actually, I don't bother with Windows and Security updates. I haven't installed Windows and Security updates since last years updates till now.. :P ;)

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OK!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR GREAT HELP!!! Now I know what causes the "KB2699988-pain" in my x86-browser!! Its DFX-plugin in the Win.Med.Player,wich works in IE9. I will wait for DFX,or Microsoft to respond! Anyone who has a better solution??

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Morteza,do you have DFX installed,or do you have the plug-in ( In Win-Med.Player!!) in your browser??

No bro.I don't have.Only Norton identity safe toolbar is installed. :)
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Anyone who has a better solution??

I will wait for DFX,or Microsoft to respond

you already answered your own ?


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Did you have DFX installed ? there's conflict between them.

If Yes, you better wait fix from DFX or use another browser ;)

for more, see http://social.techne...cd-2b3874832e90

Thank you. I use IE for a CCTV system that is not compatible with any other browser, IE is working again after reinstalling DFX.

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  • Administrator

Thread marked as solved.

@Technology: I see you have Windows 7. If you have used Daz or own a real license, you really should use Windows Updates. If not, get ready to be infected by Stuxnet, Flame, Conficker, etc. and other system vulnerabilities. Using Windows Update is one of the most underrated and the very first important step to secure your computer, all the AV-AM, on-demand scan, cloud comes later.

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Windows Update is only made for fun. Same for all the other software vendors.

Updates are for noobs. If you are a really hard bad-guy, you will stick on the

first released bugged as hell version. *sarcasm off*. :wtf:

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Did you have DFX installed ? there's conflict between them.

If Yes, you better wait fix from DFX or use another browser ;)

for more, see http://social.techne...cd-2b3874832e90

Thank you. I use IE for a CCTV system that is not compatible with any other browser, IE is working again after reinstalling DFX.

my pleasure
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