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One instance explorer.exe


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I set the number of instances to 1 for explorer.exe in Process Lasso. I've noticed that when more than one explorer is running, it slows down my computer. I also read that multiple instances indicates that explorer.exe is hanging or hung during an application crash. This tells me that only one of the explorer.exe processes are required, so I figured it would be easier to let Process Lasso terminate the process automatically.

Anyway, I was just looking for some feedback on the matter.

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The way I go about with this is not to use explorer at all. That way, when my Directory Opus crashes, I don't get shit from Windows, all I have to do is double-click on the desktop, and it will restart. But that's just me. I find that simpler, and more functional, faster, etc. Generally speaking, I hate stuff working about in the background. I can't remember the last time I had over 35 processes running. I average at about 29. :rofl:

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Not use explorer at all? How do you not use explorer when the computer relies on it?

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I never had two instance of explorer.exe. Not on Windows XP, nor Vista, nor 7 now. Not sure why you have it.

Cheers ;)

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Well I use Rocket Dock, which means I hardly ever need the taskbar or Start Menu, or Desktop (I always have Icons Disabled), and Directory opus browses my files. So there you go. XD I can do everything with no explorer.exe

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Why would you have more than one explorer.exe instance at the same time ? I don't understand what you are talking about...

You are talking about the Windows Explorer (File explorer application) or explorer.exe that provides the user interface like the desktop, taskbar and so on... ?

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Posted Image

What's not to understand? I'm not Martin, by the way. This was just some random picture online.

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Your system has a problem. It's not normal. (If you have the default settings).

First check this :

  • Open "Computer"
  • In the bar, "Organize", then "Folder and search options"
  • Switch to "View"
  • Is the box "Launch folder windows in a separate process" checked ? If yes, "uncheck it", "apply" and "OK".

Else, you are on Windows 7, right ? Fresh / new install ?

You can try this also :

  • Use Process Explorer to check the start time of each ins tance, as well as the parent process. Does that give any clue as to what is going on?
  • Consider using Process Monitor to check the creating process - configure symbols in Process Monitor, and see if you are able to gather any information from the stack of the Process Create event.
  • Scan for malware, as well.
  • Do you have multiple users logging into the system?

You system is clean ? It can be an application issue, malware, corrupt OS....

If you close the explorer.exe processes what happens ?

When you just have booted your OS, how many explorer.exe processes ? What the other running processes ? What are the other running applications ? Provide morre details, more screenshots, please. Else we can't help you.

You can try a minimal boot and to boot in safe mode (or Force Windows 7 / Vista to Boot Into Safe Mode Without Using the F8 Key) and check what happens.

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