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BufferZone Pro [Uses Application Sandboxing To Secure Your System]


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BufferZone Pro [uses Application Sandboxing To Secure Your System]

Sandboxing is a highly effective way of protecting your PC from malware attacks and online threats. If you have used programs like Sandboxie or Avast’s Sandbox feature, for instance, you must have an idea what sandboxing is all about. In layman’s terms, it’s a technique to safeguard your PC by putting programs in a sandbox, i.e., separating the programs from host system and put them in a virtual environment. Developed by Trustedware, BufferZone Pro is a Sandboxie-like security application that automatically puts your frequently used programs (especially those which are prone to external attacks) in a Bufferzone. It easily detects your web browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox etc.) and other applications like Skype, P2P programs, Instant messengers, and launches them in the virtual environment. Just like Avast’s Auto-Sandbox feature, it runs sandboxed applications in a red-bordered window. In addition, it also has the ability to create state snapshots, which help users roll back to a previous state by restoring a snapshot. Details to follow after the jump.

The application’s main window displays statistics about the number of threats prevented so far (including Privacy and System threats) and programs that have currently been pushed to the bufferzone. More so, from this window you may Edit BufferZone Programs, Uninstall Bufferzone Programs or Empty Bufferzone. You can also click Create Bufferzone Snapshot to save the current state, beware though, as creating snapshot requires termination of current programs.

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The application also gives you an option to hide files and folders from the BufferZone – i.e. all the programs running in the virtual environment are cut from those folders and files. Click Confidential Files on the main interface to open Confidential window. By default, the program automatically adds My Documents and Outlook Mailbox to the list, but you can add custom files by clicking the add button.

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Clicking the small arrow button to the left of main interface expands the window to advanced settings. Under Policy settings you can use the sliders under Installers and Updates inside Bufferzone and External Device Control to control the level of protection from Maximum to No protection. The Firewall lets you add programs to the list that you want to allow or deny access to Network Access Control.

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The Configuration panel consists of various generic and advanced options under Settings, Misc. and Advanced Policy tabs. Here, you can set Administrator’s password, toggle a few BufferZone parameters. The Misc. tab enables you to set Maintenance and Application Control options. Lastly, Advanced Policy tab consists of a setting up further policy options that I mentioned earlier.

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The application supports both 32-bit and 64-bit OS editions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Testing was carried out on Windows 7, 64-bit OS editions.


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not compatible with windows 8! do not try on windows 8 :D

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