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Google Chrome Beta


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Chrome.pngGoogle Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Google Chrome also uses a brand new javascript engine (V8), which is much faster than existing javascript interpreters. This means you can create more complex and more intensive AJAX applications with fewer speed and processing constraints. Finally, Google Chrome is built on top of WebKit, so Google Chrome users will benefit from the CSS3 features being added to WebKit as those features are released.

Thanks to hman333 for the update.


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wonder if this'll be a good competition for mozilla firefox??? well it definitely has that google factor that makes ppl crazy....will try and report what i feel...

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it will never be able to compete with firefox, at least not at the stage it's in

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it will never be able to compete with firefox, at least not at the stage it's in

Dunno about Firefox but compared to the way Opera works vs. Google Chrome in terms of features is a long long way ... At least even they brag about low system impact ... Opera has a lower footprint when loading same pages just by checking they very own utility about:memory ;) Not o mention that there's all ready an security issue http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1843 or some first impresions http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080903/ap_on_...le_chrome;_ylt= it's more fuss than a real threat for Firefox IE or Opera.

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i tested this today, it works verry good. i was really suprised. Just try it, and see for urselfz.. btw i think its a great idea to put make all tabs different processes. Read this commic for technical information;


Considering it's still like day 1 of a public Beta, it's performing pretty good. I suspect that within about 3-8 months it may be able to compete with FireFox...or some brilliant guy will merge the two browsers...that would be better than sex in my opinion.

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the only thing i really like about it atm, is the logo ;)

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tested it...personally feels its way slower than ff...and had some gliches concerning plugins...all in all....its just born like....will like to see this one bloom in the near future...

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i tested this today, it works verry good. i was really suprised. Just try it, and see for urselfz.. btw i think its a great idea to put make all tabs different processes. Read this commic for technical information;


Considering it's still like day 1 of a public Beta, it's performing pretty good. I suspect that within about 3-8 months it may be able to compete with FireFox...or some brilliant guy will merge the two browsers...that would be better than sex in my opinion.

<--------- wtf...

Ahahaha i dont know about that anywayz it seems to be pretty dam good and yes if somebody bumps up the security other than that its fast and its open source somebody is gonna make this real good well alot of people but for now what are some good setting...? ssl and what not..

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i tested it too all yesterday long...

really cool imho! it's faster than IE of course, and a little faster than FF at opening tabs, webpages and so.

the options you can customize are few but it's only the beginning...i think they will increase them in the next releases.

i noticed that chrome experiences problems at opening some webpage,but it is understandable.

the only thing i really don't like are the processes in background that chrome keeps active (googleupdate...), but maybe there is some way to fix this problem that i don't know.

in conclusion: i think it will be my next default broswer as soon as they will be able to import firefox plugins and make it more stable. For now i will use it but only when i know to have no need of some specific plugin or function that only ff has ^^

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All sorts of privacy and security problems with Chrome. Can't turn off Javascript (totally unacceptable). Can't block cookies from Google, even in "incognito" mode.

This is a browser specifically designed to prevent you from turning off tracking and to deliver advertisements. It's basically spyware/adware.

It is marginally faster than Firefox 3.0 and very very slightly faster than FF 3.1 beta.

There are some good ideas here. I hope the good stuff shows up in Firefox 3.2, or maybe in 3.11.

What would you expect from a company that makes it's money from spying on you and presenting you with "relevant" ads?

Deep-six for Google Chrome.

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All sorts of privacy and security problems with Chrome. Can't turn off Javascript (totally unacceptable). Can't block cookies from Google, even in "incognito" mode.

This is a browser specifically designed to prevent you from turning off tracking and to deliver advertisements. It's basically spyware/adware.

It is marginally faster than Firefox 3.0 and very very slightly faster than FF 3.1 beta.

There are some good ideas here. I hope the good stuff shows up in Firefox 3.2, or maybe in 3.11.

What would you expect from a company that makes it's money from spying on you and presenting you with "relevant" ads?

Deep-six for Google Chrome.

You are not only one who thinks this way.

Chrome Hints Google Aims To Become 'Big Brother'

What's behind Google's release of its new Chrome browser? While the software boasts some impressive technology, does Google seriously mean to reopen the browser wars, even against its open-source partner Mozilla? 

On the one hand, observers say, Chrome is an assault on Microsoft, but not in the obvious, browser-war sense. On the other hand, a number of revelations about how Google is using the browser raise substantial privacy concerns.

Indeed, they say, Chrome reveals just how vast Google's ambitions are -- and they go well beyond roughing up Microsoft.

Google vs Microsoft

For starters, Chrome is a "direct attack on Microsoft," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, in an e-mail message. Even the name is a dig. "Microsoft Chrome Effects was the most ambitious attempt to transform the Windows front end, and it failed largely due to internal politics and an untimely disagreement with Intel," Enderle said.

Chrome isn't about unseating Internet Explorer but a stab at Microsoft's fundamental life force -- Windows itself. "Chrome is intended to render Windows irrelevant by taking over the windowing system and allowing it to be platform-independent, breaking the dependency over time on legacy Windows applications," Enderle said.

A PC World article pointed out how Chrome is missing numerous features that users take for granted -- a drop-down menu bar, plug-ins and extensions, a powerful history search. But Chrome isn't about users, Enderle said. It's meant to be a "better front end for applications, not Web browsing," he said. "Chrome is a feint at IE but a flanking move on Windows."

Google vs the World?

The computer world is powerfully dominated by Microsoft. To fundamentally change that equation means, in Google CEO Eric Schmidt's estimation, not a power-sharing arrangement but the decimation of the empire. In the language of geopolitics, Microsoft is the Soviet Union. The question is whether Google is Russian leader Boris Yeltsin or Vladimir Putin.

In a piece for ABC News called "Is Google Turning into Big Brother?" Michael Malone posited that Google announced its new browser on a national holiday in hopes of making Chrome look like an afterthought. The reason? "Google's ambitions are bigger than most of us have ever imagined, and the company is now rich enough, and powerful enough, to execute them -- even if it means the short-term sacrifice of a major new revenue source."

If Google does pull off its strategy, "it will be the most valuable company on the planet. It will also be the scariest and we should start worrying about that right now," Malone wrote.

'Scary' Big Brother

What's so scary? A number of recent revelations about Chrome -- from an end-user license agreement that originally gave Google a perpetual license to all content transmitted through the browser (Google rewrote that) to the fact that Chrome by default transmits browsing history to Google -- suggest to Malone that Google is serious about controlling all the data on the Web.

"Microsoft only wanted all of our money. Increasingly, it seems that Google wants all of our data," Malone wrote.

But while Google presents itself as the Yeltsin to Microsoft's Mikhail Gorbachev, tearing down Redmond's foundations of Windows, IE and Office, Google's true aim may be to consolidate the old power under a new crown. "This isn't a revenue play; the goal is to both destroy Microsoft and replace it, and what they plan has a high probability of being successful," Enderle said.

"Google's intentions appear to go well beyond Microsoft and suggest a level of control and power that AT&T, IBM and Microsoft couldn't even dream of. For what they are attempting, the word 'scary' is incredibly inadequate," Enderle said.

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