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The Basics of Usenet, Using SABnzbd & SickBeard (Windows)

Micah J Berman

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Micah J Berman

THE INTRO (Short Version, i will write an article on this later)

The current system of torrents, warez, and p2p is ridiculously easy for government and isp providers to monitor. Thousands upon thousands of lawsuits, fines, imprisonments, and even extortions have resulted from the usage of these filesharing systems. However one encrypted and extremely fast system hasn't been touched. Usenet is a downloader's paradise, and the reason why is very simple.... Encryption, almost every usenet provider uses ssl encryption for connecting and downloading anything. This for one will ensure your isp provider doesn't know you have connected to their service (well at a first glance anyways). They also use several types of obfuscation in their clients and servers which allow the up-most privacy.


Also if i can make a slight note, PEOPLE ARE NEVER CAUGHT USING THE USENET, however if you do use the usenet for illegal purposes just know that sometimes companies put out fake software to track you down, every filesharing site/program/server has this kind of software. Also when you use torrents, remember that your isp provider sees everything you do and if you download a torrent the companies that are after you don't even need information from your isp provider, they can just connect to your trackers and log your ip address that way.


SABnzbd - World's best Newsreader, to install just run the executable

SickBeard - An automated TV episode finder that can be linked to SABnzbd, to install you just need to manually extract the program's files to a folder.


I use a free provider to connect to usenet, however it only allows a steady 1mb/s connection so if you want a faster connection you'll have to either use a free trial or buy a full service and i do not recommend it unless you study the provider you find. Remember there are no lost connections, seeders, and/or slower connections using usenet so 1mb/s is still extremely fast for downloading.

My provider is xsusenet.com - 1mb/s

If you want to download more than tv shows just use nzbmatrix.com for free, or pay a fee to get their full archive of .nzb files.


So you've got everything downloaded, well now it's time to understand how it all works. First off you'll want to run the setup for SABnzbd and then your browser will open at the end.

If you're using anything other than internet explorer or if it gives you a failed connection error, use these urls or refresh:, localhost:8080.

Now if you signed up with your provider you will recieve an e-mail or an information packet afterwards telling you your login information, put it in the boxes provided, test the connection, then continue on if your connection is successful.

On the next page either put your premium nzb search engine information or if you dont have a premium nzb search provider just skip it.

Restart SABnzbd.


Now that you have SABnzbd setup you'll wanna copy the API key under 'config' and 'general'. Keep this key in notepad or somewhere you can keep track of it.

Open SickBeard.exe (localhost:8081 or and head over to 'Config' and 'Search Settings' and under NZB Search put your SABnzbd details INCLUDING your API key. Test the connection and ensure it's valid then click save.

You're finished setting up sickbeard with usenet, now you'll want to go to home and add your tv shows in your own customized manner. But just note that if you make put every episode under "wanted" you'll be downloading every episode in that series so just put it under "ignored" then when it's finished searching every single episode, find the ones you want and click the little magnifying glass beside the episode details.


Thanks for reading!

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Nice guide - that's the way I get my stuff :D

No idea why people still waste their time on torrents :wtf:

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Micah J Berman

well i think usenet is still pretty unheard of and sometimes expensive, however if they figure out and get the hang of it they'll understand their stupidity xD

but yeah if the word is spread too often it could even end up like torrenting. then we've got a problem.

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Probably because it's easier, and because private trackers provide great speeds as well.

I just tried this, and I can't get it to work. Tested connections, works fine, but when I click on "magnifying glass beside the episode details" I get the message "No downloads could be found". Any ideas?

Cheers ;)

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I use SABnzbd and Astraweb. I have a block account from BlockNews just in case Astraweb is missing parts, but it's never been used. :D

I don't use Sickbeard as I have no use for it, but I know people have problems using it sometimes. I have FF addon nzbdstatus though ^_^

There's currently no provider better than Astraweb. :win:

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OK, I managed configure this, search provides needed to be changed.

No idea why people still waste their time on torrents :wtf:

Wild guess, maybe because speed sucks? I started to download with 157/kb/s now I'm at 0. :wtf: I can max out my connection with torrents.

Cheers ;)

EDIT: I configured to much connections. Now I'm back at 127 kb/s. If there is no way to improve this, then it's better to stay with torrents.

EDIT2: Oh, have I mentioned that torrents are free, and that most of the time this needs to be paid. xsusenet.com has 25gb limit, plus speed sucks.

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What speed sucks? Free Usenet? If so then yes it does :lol:

You need to find the right amount of connections that works for you. I use 9. But free ones maybe you don't have a choice.

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What speed sucks? Free Usenet? If so then yes it does :lol:

You need to find the right amount of connections that works for you. I use 9. But free ones maybe you don't have a choice.

That's the thing, why would I pay for Usenet, when torrents are free?

Cheers ;)

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No need to share and meet silly scores to be able to download. Ratios and whatever. That's what always put me off. No privacy concerns, consistent fast speeds.

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Well, I like to share, that's the point, and there are normal private trackers, which have normal rules and scores. Sharing should always be free, and so long we can use torrents which are free, I'll never pay for usenet.

Cheers ;)

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Torrents will get you caught - that's why I don't like them ;)

My Usenet maxes out my connection every time - faster than any weblocker or torrent i've ever tried.

Yes I pay $9 a month for it, but it's well worth it :showoff:

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Micah J Berman

yeah also considering that most everything on usenet is available and connections are always stable and never lost... that makes it so much better than torrents it's indescribable.

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The paying factor has always killed it for me.

Don't think that I'm an idiot for not paying money. But financial background, region and accessibility plays big role in this case. A place where one has a hard time paying high amount of money for a sluggish and pathetic internet speeds, paying futher (every month) to pirate things is not easy.

I have heard it enough of times for me to understand that yea, Usenet might well be better than torrents. But torrents are free in principal.

Nevertheless, good guide, nice to have one on Usenet. :)

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Micah J Berman

The paying factor has always killed it for me.

Don't think that I'm an idiot for not paying money. But financial background, region and accessibility plays big role in this case. A place where one has a hard time paying high amount of money for a sluggish and pathetic internet speeds, paying futher (every month) to pirate things is not easy.

I have heard it enough of times for me to understand that yea, Usenet might well be better than torrents. But torrents are free in principal.

Nevertheless, good guide, nice to have one on Usenet. :)

yeah, i never pay for anything usenet
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yeah, i never pay for anything usenet

I am going to try things mentioned in your guide asap. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

any more free usenet providers ?

plus micah how do i download from nzbmatrix.com without having a VIP account?

im new to this and i was interested in downloading games and albums besides tv shows. any chance you could give me some tips?


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Picollo you can try this one. It changes daily. http://just4today.net/

Matrix, download the nzb and then upload that to your newsreader of choice. Newsleecher, SABDnzb etc and the newsreader will download the full file.

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i tried the guide step by step but i just cant download a single episode

i was trying to download the entire captain america cartoon from 1966 i'm presented with 2 options add new show or add existing show. i choose option add new show, then i'm asked to choose a show from tvdb.com, i use search, select captain america 1966 then next, i pick a folder in my computer, then next again and finally in customize options i select set initial status of missing episodes to skipped and quality of episodes to download to SD.

And then i select Add Show option in the bottom.

then what i get is this


what am i doing wrong. nothing is downloaded

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You probably already added it, start SABnzbd and see if the episode is on the list.

Cheers ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Micah J Berman

any more free usenet providers ?

plus micah how do i download from nzbmatrix.com without having a VIP account?

im new to this and i was interested in downloading games and albums besides tv shows. any chance you could give me some tips?


why not just try these sites? http://usenetreviewz.com/usenet-search/

i tried the guide step by step but i just cant download a single episode

i was trying to download the entire captain america cartoon from 1966 i'm presented with 2 options add new show or add existing show. i choose option add new show, then i'm asked to choose a show from tvdb.com, i use search, select captain america 1966 then next, i pick a folder in my computer, then next again and finally in customize options i select set initial status of missing episodes to skipped and quality of episodes to download to SD.

And then i select Add Show option in the bottom.

then what i get is this


what am i doing wrong. nothing is downloaded

mind updating the image? It sends a 403 forbidden error due to what i assume is infringement of their tos.
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