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What I think of Windows 8


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First of all i have to say i love Windows, it's a great software which run very well on a good computer, it's far to be perfect but it does the job ...

I just wanted to create this page, because i'm so annoying to see the news of windows 8 which have to be the next os after a very good windows 7.

We saw on internet, that the new OS will have a new interface called Metro.... Which is a good new except that it's not made to word better with a keyboard and a mouse....

Yes Microsoft, people love the keyboard and the mouse ... it's fast, efficient...

I just saw the video where the guys just spend few second to swith between is application. What the hell if i have to wait at least 1 second to swith between my application i will loose all my productivity.

Yes productivity it's a word that normally Microsoft knows, or Knew maybe ... Yes Microsoft Excel is such an awesome product, Word is great too... Visio is huge, microsoft project is just without equivalent....

But what are you doing with an OS made for the productivity, windows is use by every company in this world... and you will made an Operating System for dummies.... Look the new look of windows Explorer...it's look like Windows Movie Maker....

You know Microsoft, if i want that my grand parents use a computer, i prefer to buy them an Ipad, it's a lot easier, with big icons....

No seriously you need a 24 inch screen just to see the the top bar with the copy and past button....

Microsoft we want something fast and powerful, anything but not a os for dummies....

I hate Apple, because they are such annoying too with their price, which are just made for rich and no it users.... But just look the last operating system, it's not a revolution, but every function just do the job. If i have talk about two example it will be spotlight and Timemachine. Spotlight....i was so happy with the search function of windows 7 for me it was fast, efficient, i tweet about that etc .... but what the piece of crap compare to spotlight.... the result in spotlight are just a thousand times faster, there is just no lag... I have a ssd on my 7 with a quad core 8g of ram, and it takes one or two seconds to show the results... it's nothing when you do one search in the day, but when you are looking for something all the time it's a huge lost of time... Something very simple too, with spotlight you can see inside on an email without to open it... it's just awesome... Yes 2011 we use more than 70% of our time on internet and read and write email...Yes you can search the content inside your mail but you have to open it every email to see if it's the good one... and when you clic your search disapear... you have to do it again... and windows show twice the same result !!! AAAaaa so annoying. The search function is simple, but so much usefull when it works perfectly...

Second thing... Time machine, to be honest i never use timemachine because i don't own a mac.. i use genie timeline instead which is a great software... But what going on Microsoft....You don't know that a computer crash all the time ? your are not in the enterprise business ? yes sometime an hard drive can break... or you just have erase a file and you don't know how to recover it. Yes there is a function inside Windows to do that with right clic but it takes so much place, now we use SSD and i just have few gig remaining on my hard drive, i don't have enough space to store security saving in addition of tempory files (windows takes me more than 1g per day of tempory, sleep, crash file). And when you want to use the backup function of windows you'll notice it's configured on the sunday night at 2pm, so the only chance you have to run the backup it's to come back a party and stay at least between two or three hours in front of your computer waiting your backup is finish on your external drive or NAS. And when the back up fail, wich happen very often, you have to start again from scratch....

SO i just want to say, Microsoft did good operating system in the past... but since Bill gates isn't anymore CEO, the big part of the business of microsoft which is operating system are going very very bad... I will never buy an operating system for dummies ... Microsoft is for professional, if it's not anymore i will take something else ... There is not a big choice but i will find ...

So if you are like me or maybe a little less obsessed of the new Microsoft Windows 8 which will have a bad interface, an improvement of the copy past (we completely don't care) and the hability to load iso files (Daemons tools is great i promess) you can like this page... It's not too late and Microsoft can still change his (crazy) mind ...

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I dont like Metro UI of Win8

I read somewhere you can remove it in "Consumer Preview" version by this way:

Go to this address:

C:\Users\<User Profile>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Make righ-click >> New >> Shortcut >> Copy/paste this address there:

C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}

Choose a favorite name for the shortcut


everytime you run this shortcut, Metro UI will be removed

(I've not tested it myself)

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I'm all for a revamp of the homescreen but it has to be done all the way. Implementing both metro and the normal Windows UI is a big mistake. I've tried it and it will take a lot of getting used to on a desktop/laptop. The ability to turn off the metro and turn on the start button should be easily accessible instead of having to mess with the registry. Hopefully things will change by the full release.

One thing I would really like is a simplified file system! I hate all the Program Files, Program Files X86, Program Data and all that crap! Make everything that goes together in the same file!

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windows 8 metro is rock!!! i love the GUI

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@Ehsan: That is probably removed. I've read it few times already that this existed on Dev Preview but M$ purposely removed it from Consumer Preview. In other words, you are literally forced to use Metro unless you go to the 3rd party mod. M$ is telling users to use it or forget the OS forever.

TBH, now, after looking at everything, I feel Metro is the most fugly POS that I've ever seen from M$.

What I also don't like is making the desktop as a app. The switching from Metro to desktop again and again is just too crazy.

I'll like to note one more thing. They way I've arranged my Start Menu (ask other members who have been on TeamViewer with me) it's 10 times more faster and easier to access apps than Metro can ever be. -_-

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I'll like to note one more thing. They way I've arranged my Start Menu (ask other members who have been on TeamViewer with me) it's 10 times more faster and easier to access apps than Metro can ever be. -_-

I'd like to see how you've arranged your Start Menu, if you're willing to share your trick :)

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I'll like to note one more thing. They way I've arranged my Start Menu (ask other members who have been on TeamViewer with me) it's 10 times more faster and easier to access apps than Metro can ever be.

I'd like to see how you've arranged your Start Menu, if you're willing to share your trick :)

Yeah lets see that thing :D

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i hate that shit called metro,i guess i won't use windows 8,windows 7 has been the most exciting and stable operating system ms has ever released..

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