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[✔] Adobe Master Suite CS 6 Direct Download Links


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So I were wondering if there were any direct links (from Adobe or affiliated server) for Adobe Master Suite CS 6. I'd be glad if anyone could share the links, if any. :)



Step 1: Sign in on your Adobe ID (Or create one with a disposable mail)

Step 2: Copy & Paste the URL


For other languages, final changes in:

LS1 – en-US / en-UK / en-GB

LS2 – ja-JP

LS3 – ko-KR / zh-CN / zh-TW

LS4 – da-DK / de-DE / es-ES / es-MX / fi-FI / fr-FR / fr-CA / it-IT / nb-NO / nl-NL / pt-BR / sv-SE

LS6 – cs-CZ / hu-HU / pl-PL / ro-RO / ru-RU / tr-TR / uk-UA

LS7 – English; German; Spanish; French; Italian; Japanese; Korean

LS16 - en-US / en-GB / ja-JP

Credits: Freddyfre & DKT27

Source: goo.gl/W0sLb

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