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Windows took a crap on me today so i decided to try something new. I installed ubuntu for the first time today though a flash drive on my sdd. It saw my hdd when i installed it on my sdd but now when i boot up i cant see my hdd, its a internal hdd not a exrteral and i have ahci mode enabled in the bios. Any suggestions will be appreciated

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If you formatted your HDD into a exFAT, Ubuntu does not recognize that format. Is that the format of your HDD?

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i installed 11.10, its was originally ntfs but the hdd got corrupted and im thinkin thats why i cant mount it in ubuntu,

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try Puppy Linux .

of all the flavors i have tried , this linux distribution is the fastest . !

its bare minimal linux , but yet very powerful and the best . almost has all the basic necessary tools in it . ;)

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