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Guest Silent™

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you need to chmod all the proper folders, they're listed during the installation guide. setup a database & username in the control panel on their site, then go to the install file via your web browser, usually...


...follow the steps there and delete the entire /install/ folder after you finished. i also delete the /update/ folder since it's possible to reset the database from there.

and you should be finished ;)

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it's the unlimited trial that was only available for like 2 days. after that IPB became a full retail product and the trials were limited :huh:

I heard that 2.0.1 was the last unlimited trial version... ^_^

And 1.3.1 free to use without a licence, right?

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  • Administrator

You heard wrong.....

1.3.1 is fre to use without a license ^_^ . However, it cannot be legally downloaded now :huh:

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Hmm, yeah i guess. But I remember some guy asking about his version 2.0.1 being unlimited......... I'll have ta search around till i find his post..

Meh, that or he has some hacked copy. ^_^


here it is: http://forums.ipbhelpers.com/index.php?showtopic=4689

EDIT #2: Hmm, i found this: http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=171046

So Im guessing it was a fluke/error and that guy got lucky.. :huh:

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  • Administrator

If you read the reply by the IPS staff member....

You cannot legally use that due to the license :huh:

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Yeah I know.. The guy was just able to get the download cause of the fluke but he cant use it legally cause of the ToS. :huh:

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did anyone hear what i said, there ISN'T one IPB2 release that returns the proper ipscheck value. trust me, you can either use the real 2.0.0 trial, buy it, or get popped by the feds (take yer pick) ;)

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Guest oxygenuk
did anyone hear what i said, there ISN'T one IPB2 release that returns the proper ipscheck value. trust me, you can either use the real 2.0.0 trial, buy it, or get popped by the feds (take yer pick) ;)



you havent seen my version ;)

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Guest Silent™

Some person who owns www.evolutiond.com I deleted the board and i'm reinstalling it. I did the MYSQL username and password then db then I pressed add DB

Users in ipbdatabase

gun_Silent (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)

Connection Strings

Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:gun_ipbdatabase:localhost","gun_Silent","<PASSWORD HERE>");

PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "gun_Silent", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db ("gun_ipbdatabase");

User: gun_Silent Db: gun_ipbdatabase


But this still happens Click 2 see it

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you sure you entered the right password during installation? look in your global_config.php and make sure the right one is listed ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
http://www.kltforums.com/?ipscheck=1 - Hacked, KLT can't afford a lifetime subscription with copyright removal permissions, that's like $500. you can tell because it's 9 digits long (ie. they're in DEEP shit when IPS finds their site)

I see 10 numbers. Plus a comma.

And what about this: http://www.zymic.com/forum/?ipscheck=1


They have 10 numbers, which they say is legit.

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