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Registry tweaks from memturbo 4 (win XP)


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Is promised I have now found the registry tweaks used in memturbo. You can now add these manually without using memturbo. Note that all numbers are entered as decimals

Increase performance by allocating more critical threads

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive

Change (or add) these two dwords:

AdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads ==> 16

AdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads ==> 16

Large system cache

go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Change (or add) this dword:

LargeSystemCache ==> 1

Optimize Processor Scheduling

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl

There is 4 options in memturbo here:

Determined by system: Change (or add) this dword:

Win32PrioritySeparation ==> 2

Foreground programs strongly favored: Change (or add) this dword:

Win32PrioritySeparation ==> 37

Foreground programs very strongly favored: Change (or add) this dword:

Win32PrioritySeparation ==> 38

Background processes favored (best for servers only): Change (or add) this dword:

Win32PrioritySeparation ==> 24

Prohibit the swapping of the kernel to disk

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Change (or add) this dword:

DisablePagingExecutive ==> 1

Use ultra-DMA mode when available

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000

Change (or add) this dword:

EnableUDMA66 ==> 1

File name cache size

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem

Change this dword to whatever suits you (the decimal number equals the size of the cache in kb):


File path cache size

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem

Change this dword to whatever suits you (the decimal number equals the size of the cache in kb):


Windows icon cache size

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer

Change this dword to whatever suits you (the decimal number equals the number of icons in the cache):

Max Cached Icons

Contiguous file allocation size

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem

Change this dword to whatever suits you (the decimal number equals the size in kb):


Unload dll from memory after use

Note that this tweak should only be used on low memory systems, since this is a cache to speed up your application relaunch times.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AlwaysUnloadDLL

Change the "standard" entry to 1

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I did not add the tweak to turn off last access timestamps simply because you should not use that tweak. The reason for this is that these timestamps are used by many programs (UltimateDefrag, PerfectDisk, SystemboosterXP etc.), for further ifo about this read the important notice part of my guide to systemboosterXP

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Nice, but if you know, and I think you do, would you care splitting this into 'What to do on a fast PC and what to do on a slower PC?

Maybe tell us what the result of any of these actions is too? For example: when you increase the Icon cache it will use more memory which will cause faster performance whilst browsing folders on a fast PC, but slower performance on a slow PC.

About this:

'Contiguous file allocation size'

I guess this value defines how much free space the system will just leave free when more files come on the disk? So if there is 2 MB of free space and you have a 4 MB file when you change this value to 3 MB it will not partially place the file in the 2 MB free area and place the remaining part somewhere else? Not to sure though... Explain ;) I think it would be recommended to keep this value high on a nearly empty to 3/4 filled HD and keeping it low on a nearly full HD?

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Nice, but if you know, and I think you do, would you care splitting this into 'What to do on a fast PC and what to do on a slower PC?

Maybe tell us what the result of any of these actions is too? For example: when you increase the Icon cache it will use more memory which will cause faster performance whilst browsing folders on a fast PC, but slower performance on a slow PC.

About this:

'Contiguous file allocation size'

I guess this value defines how much free space the system will just leave free when more files come on the disk? So if there is 2 MB of free space and you have a 4 MB file when you change this value to 3 MB it will not partially place the file in the 2 MB free area and place the remaining part somewhere else? Not to sure though... Explain :D I think it would be recommended to keep this value high on a nearly empty to 3/4 filled HD and keeping it low on a nearly full HD?

I will explain later in a tweak XP topic, I just posted this for those who wanted it :D

Actually made a quick search and mistakenly noted something wrong ( I am only human ;) ). I will remove the false note, here is a good explanation of the tweak: http://www.dev-toast.com/?s=contigfileallocsize

If I used my common sense in the first place this would have been avoided ;) . It just like if you tune a car you will not ba able to hold more gasoline unless you replace the fuel tank. It is the same with the cluster size, you cannot change that with a registry tweak, you have to replace it (reformatting or use special software that can do it without i.e. partition magic). But hey your question made me research again because something told me that this was wrong ;)

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Just made a little correction in two of the tweaks (File path cache size and File name cache size), just deleted the last of the "go to"- line that was actually the Dword in which you had to enter the decimals. I corrected this to prevent anyone from mistakingly believe that they had to add an sub key. If you did add a sub key there is no harm done, it just fills up in the registry doing nothing :D, so just delete the subkey and add the Dword in the correct place ;)

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