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Demonoid being blocked/blocking?!


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Hey guys, for me Demonoid hasn't been working for around 5 days now... I just get a blank page, but when i try to access their 404 page i do get that page. So it looks like my ISP isn't blocking Demonoid.com or something... I don't think my software is at fault either, since it doesn't work on 3 desktops and a laptop. That leaves Demonoid blocking Dutch IP's i guess? But that would mean that other Dutch people should have the same problems, right?

So that's why i'm making this topic, i want to know if there's anyone out there experiencing the same problems as me, or someone that can offer me a solution(long shot i guess).

Any help/comment is appreciated.

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Demonoid must be blocking another country since I was just on it last night and I'm in Jamaica.

As for a solution, you could use a proxy.

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Using HidenCloack.com as my proxy, now it does work... Grrrrr, probably my internet provider, let's call those bastards!

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Ok, i found out that my friend is able to view Demonoid(he lives in the Netherlands too). I thought my ISP was the problem, but when i try to access the 404 page of Demonoid it does work, so i thought i'd ask my mate the link to the 'browse torrents' page which was Demonoid.com/files and tried to contact that, no luck. This leaves me thinking that Demonoid might've blocked my IP, but why the hack would they do that? :rolleyes:

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Ok, i found out that my friend is able to view Demonoid(he lives in the Netherlands too). I thought my ISP was the problem, but when i try to access the 404 page of Demonoid it does work, so i thought i'd ask my mate the link to the 'browse torrents' page which was Demonoid.com/files and tried to contact that, no luck. This leaves me thinking that Demonoid might've blocked my IP, but why the hack would they do that? :rolleyes:

i would believe that the problem is in your ISP and not in demonoid....

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Hmmm, that's what i first thought, but now i see that i am able to access Demonoid sometimes... So very sporadically i can access their fp, and then when i try to click a link, it will go blank, but if i go back then, and click it again, it will work.(Sometimes after 3-4 times). So i guess this rules out my ISP being the problem, right?

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Which ISP do you have Shought?

I got a different problem, it's probably related to Firefox and it's noscript or adblock plus extension, sometimes I need to load the page several times because I get a blank screen.

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I've got Speedlinq for Internet and Telephony(VoIP). I don't believe they block Demonoid, since i can load it sometimes, after clicking and going back a few times on the same link. Really, really weird. We'll see what happens when the new FF comes out!

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eBait, can you recommend me a server?

I have @home that now is turned into Ziggo, and I don't think they block P2P either...

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You mean a DNS server? OpenDNS works perfect for me:



Go to their site and register your network to block phishing/malware etc, works awesome!

ps Dem: If you can try to switch to some cheap 20/1 mbit adsl2 with VoIP calling, like Alice, Orange or Abel. I'm on Abel Internet here with OpenDNS and it all runs very very fast.

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USing OpenDNS server didn't solve anything. Using a proxy did, but i don't want to use a proxy all the time. Asked some of my friends yesterday, all in the Netherlands, and now they also get the blank page when trying to access Demonoid. So i think the problem isn't in my ISP or my PC, but in Demonoid maybe? I also get some reports that it's an HTTP 500 Internal server error. Which is caused by their servers. So i'll just see what happens.

I'm to happy to care about Demonoid since i can get back on nsaneforums, which didn't work for almost a week, but now it does :dunno:

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I'm a demonoid member want me to pm a mod or admin u know ?

You mean pm a mod or admin >i< know? Or 'u know' as in, u know :frusty:

I already sent an email to 'the' admin, but it's noted there that he doesn't reply to all. Guess mine didn't come through :D

I'd love to only get some info on what is going on or why i am not being 'accepted'. It doesn't have to be solved right away :) Anything you can do would be great :D

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I have a extremely cheap voip program and the reason I don't switch to some cheap ADSL line is because they can't guarantee me 20 mb(I checked at their site), @home has a decent newsgroup server to offer and it just isn't available here. What I actually really want is a glass fibre line in our neighbourhood. My cousin who lives like 50 kilometres away from me already has it; around 25mbyte down and up.

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Only people who really block P2P, of which i knows, are Chello/UPC. Bitches! (In holland)

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just checked (in usa) and all appears fine..

Ya i know :P I'm nearly sure it's Demonoid or a bunch of ISP in the Netherlands, since 3 of my friends go the same problem, all different ISP... Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence! < A cookie for who tells me from where/who i got that quote.

No promises made about the actual delivery of the cookie.

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I found answers on some feed, it told me that people with all kinds of ISP in the Netherlands have problems with Demonoid and the white page. One of them, just like me, took the initiative to send a message to the admin; no reply, in both cases. I think Demonoid is blocking the Netherlands or the other way around: all Dutch ISP block Demonoid, the last seems unbelievable since we manage to get through sometimes and all ISP banding together against Demonoid, yeah right!

So that leaves Demonoid blocking us :) Why, why, why! I don't want to keep using those annoying proxies :P

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just checked (in usa) and all appears fine..

Ya i know :) I'm nearly sure it's Demonoid or a bunch of ISP in the Netherlands, since 3 of my friends go the same problem, all different ISP... Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence! < A cookie for who tells me from where/who i got that quote.

No promises made about the actual delivery of the cookie.

Mark Twain or Winston Churchill.what kind of cookie?

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Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence! < A cookie for who tells me from where/who i got that quote.

No promises made about the actual delivery of the cookie.

Mark Twain or Winston Churchill.what kind of cookie?

Ah, I'm sorry :) They might've said that, they probably did, but they're not the guy(<<<hint) I am referring to.

Another hint: It's someone from TV. Not like a talk show or an anchorman(lol, why would an anchorman even say that? It was raining yesterday, it is raining today! Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence! It's a conspiracy! *Climbs camera and starts sucking his toes*).

No more hints for today!

Edit: It's a very tasty cookie :P I'm eating it right now, no I'm not! Yes you are! *Stump, one arm trying to trow keyboard out of the windows, other arm trying to stop first arm*

Handling two personalities at a time is a quite challenging...

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You do get a misplaced control panel bar, but it works... Might be able to get a better one, will search for you, results in a min.

Edit: No result, all seem to have the same problem, only when logged in.

I found those at http://www.freeproxy.ca/, you could try to find a better/faster/more compatible one, but I think you won't find it.

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