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Guide to SystemboosterXP


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Does this system booster have a fix yet and what do you think of it, is it any good

I took the liberty of updating the first post(fix).

Yes, it is any good if you have a system with enough RAM(XP 512MB+, Vista 1024MB+)

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Does this system booster have a fix yet and what do you think of it, is it any good

I took the liberty of updating the first post(fix).

Yes, it is any good if you have a system with enough RAM(XP 512MB+, Vista 1024MB+)

You are welcome, just remember to write at the bottom of the post what you changed ;)

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Does this system booster have a fix yet and what do you think of it, is it any good

I took the liberty of updating the first post(fix).

Yes, it is any good if you have a system with enough RAM(XP 512MB+, Vista 1024MB+)

You are welcome, just remember to write at the bottom of the post what you changed :P

Aight, I never kept such a changelog for my UD guide... I mean there were too many to record ;) Sometimes I just thought about something and changed it, actually this happened a lot. And all of you guys comments/suggestions ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
i installed this ,and i dont see any difference.

It will first have to learn about your computer, give it 7 days and then I assure you you will see the improvements. You can really notice them when you start a commonly used application(like for instance Firefox, Messenger or Winamp(for me)). It of course won't work if your computer is using up all the RAM available(like in systems with lower than 384 MB RAM).

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i installed this ,and i dont see any difference.

Hi thank you for replying to my post ;)

As Shought said give it some days. Also bear in mind that a lack of results might be because you are using a program that "resets" the last access timestamps:

4.0 Important notice:

First of all, it is very important to check if the last access timestamps (from now on "LAT") are turned on, otherwise SystemboosterXP is unable to build statistics to prefetch from. To check do the following:

To check whether Last Access Time Stamping is ON or OFF - Go to the Command Prompt (START => ALL PROGRAMS => ACCESSORIES => COMMAND PROMPT) in Windows and type the following:


If it returns a value of 0 or "not set" then you do not need to do anything.

If it returns a value of 1 then you need to enter the following:

FSUTIL BEHAVIOR SET DISABLELASTACCESS 0 (then hit enter). (This will enable last access timestamps)

A little info about last access timestamps:

Some antivirus programs and desktop search and indexing programs update the Last Access times of files that they scan and index. Technically this contravenes Microsoft's suggested practice for updating Last Access time stamps since it is not a true "normal use" access. In this instance we suggest that you lobby the maker of your antivirus program or search program to have their products not alter the last access time stamp when doing their scans of your files.

The above only applies to the part of the programs scanning the entire hard disk such an antivirus on-demand scanner, therefore this does not apply to the on-access scanner, because those files are accessed by another program that has already changed the timestamps (unless it scans on-access of another scanner that preserves LAT, and afterwards changes the LATs).

If you use a program that does not preserve last access timestamps, you should search for an alternative or if you really need the program you could disable last access timestamps and reboot before you are scanning your hard disk, and afterwards enable the last access timestamps and reboot .

To help identify programs that do not preserve last access timestamps, I have started this thread

If any of the above does not help, then you could use a custom profile as the default profile, but you would then have to manually choose which files and folders to boost. It is much easier to use the AUTO profile, which also guarantees that the list with files to boost is up to date with the programs you really use.

Here is how you can check if you are using a program that does not preserve last access timestamps:

First a little note from disktrix:

If your flist.db grows to sizes greater than 4 Mb than you should reduce the Days Last Accessed setting. If that doesn't change the size of the flist.db and it is still large then either an antivirus program or indexing program such as Google Desktop Search is updating your last accessed date. Microsoft's recommended policies for programs changing the last access date implies that these programs should not update the last access date. It is not a "true" general use access of those files.

Since there is nothing that we can do with SystemBooster to overcome this since SystemBooster looks at last access we suggest that you use the "Custom" profile setting in SystemBooster.

The files flist.db is located in the program folder of systembooster (usually C:\programs\disktrix\systembooster 2). If the size of this file still is big after you have done the above and ensured that you have deselected all folders, which contain archive material (such as movies, music, compressed files and folders, folders boosted in a custom profile, etc.), then it is almost certain that you have a program that do not preserve last access timestamps.

If the file size of flist.db suddenly grows a lot, then you might have used a program not preserving LAT. This way you can test which programs are not preserving LAT and add them to the above list, this is the way I do it.

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i downloaded trial SYSTEM BOOSTER XP installed it and change the date in Install.log (Install date: 14-Sep-2010 11:16:05p)

and in registry InstallDate to 2010 year and i got full version without any trial notification.Remember do not run the program before change the date

works by me. :P :unsure: ;) :frusty: :frusty: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2:

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i downloaded trial SYSTEM BOOSTER XP installed it and change the date in Install.log (Install date: 14-Sep-2010 11:16:05p)

and in registry InstallDate to 2010 year and i got full version without any trial notification.Remember do not run the program before change the date

works by me. :mellow: :P :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2:

There's a working fix around too you know... ;)

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yes i know but avira says that there is a trojan or something,i think its false and my "fix" works corretly for me

Yep, false positive ;) But if you're fix works I won't stop you from using it :mellow:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Where is the fix for this program

Ugh, this wasn't clear to you:

the :P has been uploaded to MediaFire.com. The sharecode is /?sharekey=b49e56c8617ca6c3ab1eab3e9fa335caa5c37e6b2c266255
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  • 2 months later...
Thx spasserfan never heard about this program installed it right now looking good

You are welcome... Thank you for commenting... It is nice to know that somone is actually using the guide ;)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest SpiritrLifter

Hi, don't know if I'm bumping a dead topic since no new replies for a yr+, if I am, truly sorry. Juz wondering if systemboosterxp is still relevant (for windows xp at least) and if any1 still has d fix? the 1 given above is dead i think, thx in advance!

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Yeah, it is still relevant (for XP) ;)

There is another program out there which has been updated a little more than SystemboosterXP in the past. It's called eBoostr and you can find it on our frontpage, I recommend you try that, reading this guide might help you find some files you'd like to exclude from being 'boosted' :)

(Bringing up a 'dead' topic with a good question isn't a crime :D)

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