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Speed up uTorrent downloads


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  • Administrator

Yup it will work in uTorrent stable version.

But you should make sure which settings can apply to you or helpful to you.

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Yup it will work in uTorrent stable version.

But you should make sure which settings can apply to you or helpful to you.

sir?. DK?.. im a NOOB regarding this?.. uhm i don't which is which that could help it boost?.. is there any pattern that i could just follow?..please?..:rolleyes:

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Yup it will work in uTorrent stable version.

But you should make sure which settings can apply to you or helpful to you.

sir?. DK?.. im a NOOB regarding this?.. uhm i don't which is which that could help it boost?.. is there any pattern that i could just follow?..please?..:rolleyes:

I use the latest stable with these settings still in place.

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does this Setting works on 1.8.4?:unsure:

I've been reading the uTorrent forum, and it seems a lot of the settings presented here would rather cripple your connection than make it better.

@Manpe can u suggest some NEW settings to make utorrent MORE faster?...:unsure:

Read the 2 links I gave in my previous post from the uTorrent forum. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it all depends on your connection speed.. The settings presented here can work for somebody, but they may not work for you... for example. You have to find a balance, otherwise it will cripple your connection or even slow down you downloading speed (or it may also speed up, it all depends).

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  • Administrator

Manpe is right, They both are important links. Follow them first.

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  • 2 months later...

First post edited

BT.transp_disposition [*10]

In 1.8.0 - 1.8.2, bt.transp_disposition controls which transport is used for outgoing connections only (that is, it doesn't filter incoming connections). The values are interpreted as follows:

0: attempt only TCP

1: attempt both TCP and uTP, drop TCP if uTP is successful

2: attempt uTP if supported, TCP otherwise

3: attempt only uTP

5: TCP incoming + outgoing only (uTP disabled)

10: uTP only

13: TCP incoming + outgoing with uTP outgoing only (*1.8.3 default)

15: both TCP and uTP, incoming + outgoing (*1.9 default)

Set to 10 if its a well seeded Torrent!

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For 1.8.3 and above:

5: TCP incoming + outgoing only (uTP disabled)

10: uTP only

13: TCP incoming + outgoing with uTP outgoing only (*1.8.3 default)

15: both TCP and uTP, incoming + outgoing (*1.9 default)

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  • Administrator

I'm usin RC2 right now. Not a single crash nor any problems. But if you want to go for the final, I guess you wont need to wait much longer. ;)

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I'm usin RC2 right now. Not a single crash nor any problems. But if you want to go for the final, I guess you wont need to wait much longer. ;)

I'm using the latest 2.0 / 17668 - have no probs at all on this (i just play around with the new settings alot :D)

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Good, last time I had to change the format of all three of them, and that meant changing the original images of the author.. I hate trying to work behind someone else's stuff makes it much harder, but its what I wanted...LOL, plus my WebUI matches my real application; which is why I still haven't upgraded to the new WebUI yet which is also still in Beta testing.. I was actually able to integrate support for all of the major browsers, multi-language, and get a custom theme that you could switch around and play with; had it posted up in the forums for awhile and then had some hosting issues, and changes that were inevitable to come along ... not completely sure thats going to be something I can totally pull off this time.. but we'll see..

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Changing net.max_halfopen will most likely cripple your internet browsing whilst using uTorrent, uploading or downloading. I recommend using the EviDPatch and change the max number of connections to 50 and set uTorrent to 40, this will leave some for internet browsing. ;) The rest looks fine, going to try it right now.

Edit: One more thing, it looks like it 'disables' seeding. At least doesn't make seeding as important as downloading, which is in fact evenly important... To keep the bittorrent filesharing community alive. So, please, could you remove the things that affect seeding? If i'm mistaken, then i apologize.

Edit 2: You should also note that this:

Untick Upnp

Untick nat-pmp

differs from computer to computer. So it might work for the guy who wrote this, and for you, but not for someone else. Someone else might see speed improvements from ticking those options.

You should also note that when changing your port number you will also have to change firewall(and maybe router/modem firewall) entries.

Edit 3: Lol, comments keep arising. Having a max of 60 downloads at the same time is just useless. I recommend setting the max to no more than 10, when on a connection of +/- 768 KB/s (not Kb/s, which is different it would be 5500 Kb/s ;)).

yup your right, this does kill your seeding space... "but gives faster download" on a private tracker you download fast then do your seeding after...

these small tweaks also help on public trackers...

also a big tweak that I did miss would be the tcp/ip chnager (that helps alot) Here

huh? I don't see what UPnP or NAT-PMP has to do with any of this. They both do the same thing, open ports automatically on routing devices, that's all, there is no "tweak" about those options and they CANNOT work simultaneously because NAT-PMP is Apple's version of UPnP and therefore the functionality ONLY works when connected to Apple routers.

1000 simultaneous connections will drown out smaller bandwidth internet connections with so much overhead you will slow down downloads and never be able to view a webpage without clicking refresh 1000 times. Swamping the line with more than necessary overhead is seriously not needed. My max connections is set to 100, max connected peers per torrent is 15, and still I manage to reach 1.0~1.4MB/s download, if I increase those values to unrealistic numbers like 1000 my download speed drops to 500KB/s and can't even cross the 1MB mark.

Also if your upload is slow then you should only allow 1 upload space per torrent to be of any significant use, I don't see the point in allowing many people to download from you at 0.001Kbps instead of allowing 1 person to download at 5Kbps. Same thing that shought said about having more than 60 downloads being useless except this is for uploads and the same principle applies.

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huh? I don't see what UPnP or NAT-PMP has to do with any of this. They both do the same thing, open ports automatically on routing devices, that's all, there is no "tweak" about those options and they CANNOT work simultaneously because NAT-PMP is Apple's version of UPnP and therefore the functionality ONLY works when connected to Apple routers.

1000 simultaneous connections will drown out smaller bandwidth internet connections with so much overhead you will slow down downloads and never be able to view a webpage without clicking refresh 1000 times. Swamping the line with more than necessary overhead is seriously not needed. My max connections is set to 100, max connected peers per torrent is 15, and still I manage to reach 1.0~1.4MB/s download, if I increase those values to unrealistic numbers like 1000 my download speed drops to 500KB/s and can't even cross the 1MB mark.

Also if your upload is slow then you should only allow 1 upload space per torrent to be of any significant use, I don't see the point in allowing many people to download from you at 0.001Kbps instead of allowing 1 person to download at 5Kbps. Same thing that shought said about having more than 60 downloads being useless except this is for uploads and the same principle applies.

[ Second Paragraph - Bold ] That for some reason isn't true on my tiny line my max DL and UL speeds are hit no matter what, I also use cFos for Traffic Shaping; so essentially I do everything just as fast as if it wasn't even there.. The reason I have so many available connections, is because of several reasons.. several things I am using.. and not all of these connections are even used to maintain solid downloads.. Different type of connections.. ( can't remember the program I use to determine it but I do know that there is a difference ). The thing that I realized was the number of allowed connections total was useless if my system could not make them, therefore I modified my connection to handle the number of connections needed plus some connections for the rest of my network use. I really haven't had any issues.. at any point I do have other settings however but for the most part uTorrent is allowed to use 40-50% of my available half-open connections. I still manage to quickly top out my connection, and then start FF and connect to websites and surf the net as if I didn't even have anything else running..Still as fast as FF can be.. so is Iron and all the rest...cold run - no cache... I seen it as a bottle-neck.. running numbers all over the place specific to the connection, and I usually have assistance in doing so as not to forget.. which I wish I had a hard-copy tutorial somewhere but I don't...

The third paragraph I quoted I completely agree with.. I mean you can look at it several ways.. spend time connection, connecting connecting.. downloading nothing and making unnecessary requests.. or connection and get something..I mean the original idea is a little from everyone makes a whole lot together, but then lets talk efficiency...of the whole process involved.. even with a basic off the top understanding, and visualization of the protocol/method.

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Yours possibly works because of traffic shaping. While I don't question your modifications, how exactly do you count the number of connections actually open on the hardware interface? Are you sure your LAN interface really hits 1000+ connections and survives browsing without QoS traffic shaping?

The conntrack daemon on my router tracks the number of connections so I can tell for sure when it hits the ceiling limit:


Note that even though my uTorrent is set to 100 connections max, most routers keeps open TCP connections for 1 hour so the number skyrockets. Bear in mind typical routers like WRT54G only have about 8MB or ram and can only sustain 512 connections before the router iptables gets filled then the router slows to a crawl. This is also why I do not recommend setting uTorrent to use 1000 connections.

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Well my router doesn't really offer such nice stats but it is an old 2Wire ( 1701HG Gateway - 233 MHz - only thing I could find on it, obsolete to say the least) I think...and my uTorrent currently has the ability to use 400 of the total of 1000 for my system, I personally like I said before don't really seem to have any issues.. unless my connection sits idle.. then the first request may take a little longer.. but it seems that there was a tweak that I did somewhere along the way that made my my system drop and not even maintain those connections, I have think though..but yeah I am pretty sure that I don't use them all or get close..POINT being that I don't reach a maximum number and stop..or have a large number somewhere which would create another bottleneck, or atleast was the idea.. I also don't have the traditional network configuration, not for sure if that has anything to do with it or not..without just coming out and saying it.. I my router doesn't maintain the main IP, but traffic is routed through it..an d I use a proxy, Most people run their IP directly from the router...and all their systems have are DHCP addresses.. using port forwarding..

Sorry if this seems incomplete I have some kind of weird Sinus/Cold/Virus really screwing with my ability to think clearly right now..(for 5 days thus far, about to use earplugs to stop my nose)..BUT I am all for getting all the numbers right from the beginning and get the most of it.. so any suggestions.. are always welcome.

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My best advice for getting your LAN to handle more connections is to buy an Intel LAN Card. Seriously, most people think how much better dedicated lan card could be compared with onboard? Well there is not much difference if all you do is browse websites but for fabulous torrent performance I suggest Intel LAN Cards. They go for about 35 to 40US. Note that all dedicated LAN cards are not equal, Intel is several cuts above the rest, Linksys cannot match Intel LAN Cards even though they bear the Cisco name they don't perform like Cisco equipment.

Almost forgot to mention a most important tweak in uTorrent Advanced Options. Windows 7 Users can set "net.max_halfopen" to a higher value like 50 or more from the default value of 8.

Users of Vista SP2 can also do this tweak but they need to make sure half open connection limiting is disabled in the registry.

Search for the key "EnableConnectionRateLimiting" in the registry and set its value to 0 to disable it.

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  • Administrator

net.max_halfopen is already mentioned on the first post. ;)

Tell me, do I need a external lan card when my max speed is(ATM) 56KB/s and I have a ADSL 2+ router?

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  • Administrator

The internet is really expensive here. It's the max speed I can get in an unlimited 24x7 plan. The normal limited plans offer higher speeds.

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You own a desktop? Then I would say it would be a good card to have.. though I wouldn't get it until you upgrade your system this year(just to make sure on the compatibility).. and that you are not already going to get one ( which is unlikely given the complete crap $2 parts some manufacturers are putting into system these days that are on the verge of being obsolete ) but you never know.. You would get better performance out of more than your bandwidth.. there are other areas to consider. Stability settings... quite a few things.

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