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Speed up uTorrent downloads


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Remember to seed back as much as you download on private trackers. (options will need changing for seeding)

µTorrent Connection Setup Guide


uT forum thread SPEED ISSUES

1.6 +

Click the peers tab (right click -> untick resolve Ip's)


Options -> Preferences

:General (tab)

Tick add Windows firewall exception


:Connection (tab)

Listening Port [443] or [45682]

Untick Upnp [leave ticked if behind a router]

Untick nat-pmp [leave ticked if behind a router]

Untick Random port


:Bandwidth (tab) (depends on your connection)

Untick Automatic

Change Global Upload to [15]

Global Connections [150]

Connected per torrent [80]

Tick Upload slots(90%) -> [15]


:BitTorront (tab)

Protocol Encryption [Enabled] [Allow Legacy Connections]


:Queuing (tab)

Active Torrents [how many can you manage?]

Active Downloads [how many can you manage?]

Ratio [100%] [0]

Untick seeding tasks

Untick seeding Goal, Set it to [4] First


:Advanced (tab)

Change and click Set

BT.allow_same_iP [*True]

BT.connect_speed [*2]

BT.enable_tracker [*True]

BT.no_connect_to_services [*False]

BT.send_have_to_seed [*False ]

BT.transp_disposition [*10]

gui.bypass_search_redirect [*True]

net.outgoing_port [*50] [This one gives errors on some trackers] -> (something about sockets)

net.wsaevents [*150]

peer.disconnect_inactive_interval [*900]

queue.dont_count_slow_dl [*False]

queue.dont_count_slow_ul [*False]

rss.update_interval [*20]


Disable Windows Firewall

As most people know sp3 drops more limits on TCP/IP Connections(10), This lil tool undoes them.

XP -> TCP/IP Changer: Here

Vista -> TCP/IP and UAC Auto Patcher: Here

If your going to use this tweak don't change it to 10,000 as it says on the page. anywhere from 50-100 will be fine.


EDIT: Here's a couple of Easter eggs for you guys :lol:

* Clicking the µTorrent logo in the About subsection of Help will play a synthesized sound.

* Pressing the T-button on the keyboard when viewing the About subsection of Help will start a game of Tetris (Arrow Keys).

* An older version of uTorrent (version 1.3) will show a Christmas eCard when launched on Christmas day

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  • Replies 54
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Changing net.max_halfopen will most likely cripple your internet browsing whilst using uTorrent, uploading or downloading. I recommend using the EviDPatch and change the max number of connections to 50 and set uTorrent to 40, this will leave some for internet browsing. :lol: The rest looks fine, going to try it right now.

Edit: One more thing, it looks like it 'disables' seeding. At least doesn't make seeding as important as downloading, which is in fact evenly important... To keep the bittorrent filesharing community alive. So, please, could you remove the things that affect seeding? If i'm mistaken, then i apologize.

Edit 2: You should also note that this:

Untick Upnp

Untick nat-pmp

differs from computer to computer. So it might work for the guy who wrote this, and for you, but not for someone else. Someone else might see speed improvements from ticking those options.

You should also note that when changing your port number you will also have to change firewall(and maybe router/modem firewall) entries.

Edit 3: Lol, comments keep arising. Having a max of 60 downloads at the same time is just useless. I recommend setting the max to no more than 10, when on a connection of +/- 768 KB/s (not Kb/s, which is different it would be 5500 Kb/s ;)).

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Changing net.max_halfopen will most likely cripple your internet browsing whilst using uTorrent, uploading or downloading. I recommend using the EviDPatch and change the max number of connections to 50 and set uTorrent to 40, this will leave some for internet browsing. :lol: The rest looks fine, going to try it right now.

Edit: One more thing, it looks like it 'disables' seeding. At least doesn't make seeding as important as downloading, which is in fact evenly important... To keep the bittorrent filesharing community alive. So, please, could you remove the things that affect seeding? If i'm mistaken, then i apologize.

Edit 2: You should also note that this:

Untick Upnp

Untick nat-pmp

differs from computer to computer. So it might work for the guy who wrote this, and for you, but not for someone else. Someone else might see speed improvements from ticking those options.

You should also note that when changing your port number you will also have to change firewall(and maybe router/modem firewall) entries.

Edit 3: Lol, comments keep arising. Having a max of 60 downloads at the same time is just useless. I recommend setting the max to no more than 10, when on a connection of +/- 768 KB/s (not Kb/s, which is different it would be 5500 Kb/s ;)).

yup your right, this does kill your seeding space... "but gives faster download" on a private tracker you download fast then do your seeding after...

these small tweaks also help on public trackers...

also a big tweak that I did miss would be the tcp/ip chnager (that helps alot) Here

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Lovely posts (from both of you) - am giving it a shot right away.

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yup your right, this does kill your seeding space... "but gives faster download" on a private tracker you download fast then do your seeding after...

these small tweaks also help on public trackers...

Hmmm, never thought about that... It sure is true though. Thanks, useful addition :party: An explanation of why to implement those things ;)

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  • 2 months later...

"As most people know sp3 drops more limits on things smile.gif This lil tool undoes them.

TCP/IP Changer Here

If your going to use this tweak don't change it to 10,000 as it says on the page. anywhere from 100-500 will be fine."

Is it necessary on Vista ?

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"As most people know sp3 drops more limits on things smile.gif This lil tool undoes them.

TCP/IP Changer Here

If your going to use this tweak don't change it to 10,000 as it says on the page. anywhere from 100-500 will be fine."

Is it necessary on Vista ?

It won't work on Vista, but I guess they implemented the same limit on Vista, so you'll have to find a patcher for Vista.

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Untick Upnp

Untick nat-pmp

differs from computer to computer. So it might work for the guy who wrote this, and for you, but not for someone else. Someone else might see speed improvements from ticking those options.

You should also note that when changing your port number you will also have to change firewall(and maybe router/modem firewall) entries.

Edit 3: Lol, comments keep arising. Having a max of 60 downloads at the same time is just useless. I recommend setting the max to no more than 10, when on a connection of +/- 768 KB/s (not Kb/s, which is different it would be 5500 Kb/s :)).

I have to undo Untick Upnp and nat-pmp in order to port forward correctly.

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here u go;

Vista TCP/IP and UAC Auto Patcher:

http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/04/09/w...-event-id-4226/ [scroll down]

Ok, thanks... but do I need to do all this shit to install it ?

1. Download patched tcpip.sys: Vista TCP/IP and UAC Auto Patcher (patched tcpip.sys is contained inside the archive) 64-bit tcpip.sys or 32-bit tcpip.sys. Alternative download link for 32-bit and 64-bit.

2. Open command prompt, and run the following 2 commands:

1. takeown /f c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys

2. cacls c:\windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys /G “username”:F

Replace username with the actual user name that used to log on to Windows Vista currently.

The second command can also used improved lcacls:

icacls c:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys /grant “username”:f

3. Disable the TCP/IP Auto-Tuning feature by running the following command in command prompt:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable

4. For 64-bit Windows Vista (x64), the integrity checks need to be disabled as it need all drivers to be signed. So run the following command in DOS prompt:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Note: Above command no longer supported, and users require to press F8 on system startup to bypass driver signing integrity check.

5. Replace the tcpip.sys in C:\windows\system32\drivers folder with the patched tcpip.sys downloaded from step 1 (remember the use the correct x64 or x86 version). Normally, this procedure can be done by simply login to Windows Vista with administrator account. However, if the process failed, reboot the computer and then press F8 to boot up in Safe Mode, and then copy and paste overwrite the tcpip.sys.

6. Next, the maximum number of TCP half complete connection limits need to be set in registry. Open registry editor (regedit), and navigate to the following registry key:


7. Right click on the right pane, select “New”, then select “DWORD value”. Enter the new value name as “TcpNumConnections” (without quotes).

8. Double click on TcpNumConnections registry value, and modify the value data to the desired maximum TCP/IP connection limit that you want to allow, in decimal value. For example, enter 500 as the value data for TcpNumConnections. You can use any limit that you prefer. Alternatively, download this registry registration file (another download link) that when executed, will set the TCP simultaneous connection limit to 16777214 (you can always modify the value in the file or in the registry after applied).

9. Restart computer.

So when using patched tcpip.sys, users must press F8 at every Windows boot load. When come to Vista Advanced Boot Options menu, select “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement” to bypass driver signing check and continue loading Windows Vista, else there may be boot-failure. The process can be automated with ReadyDriverPlus.

I don't know, but it seems too much chances of fucking up my comp just to gain a few kb/s in torrent downloading :)

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IMPORTANT for 64-bit (x64) Windows Vista (RTM and SP1) and 32-bit (x86) Windows Vista SP1:

Windows Vista now require all kernel-mode driver or software to be signed with digital signature in 64-bit Vista, and all boot-start drivers must be embedded-sign with signature on both x86 and x64 versions of Windows Vista. Unfortunately, tcpip.sys is both kernel mode driver, and also boot start driver, and modify tcpip.sys will break the existing signature, making the patched tcpip.sys unsigned.

So when using patched tcpip.sys, users must press F8 at every Windows boot load. When come to Vista Advanced Boot Options menu, select “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement” to bypass driver signing check and continue loading Windows Vista, else there may be boot-failure. The process can be automated with ReadyDriverPlus.

is this true ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After implementing every tweak you mentioned and I knew it was pretty safe I did got some faster seeding but I get this allot.

The main tracker from where I am downloading sometimes stays half an hour at "each socket address usually can be used just once" (translated from dutch to English)

What's wrong?

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  • 6 months later...
1.6 +

Click the peers tab (right click -> untick resolve Ip's)


Options -> Preferences

:General (tab)

Tick add Windows firewall exeception


:Connection (tab)

Listening Port [443] or [45682]

Untick Upnp

Untick nat-pmp

Untick Random port


:Bandwidth (tab) (depends on your connection)

Untick Automatic

Change Global Upload to [15]

Gloabal Connections [500]

Connected per torrent [200]

Tick Upload slots(90%) -> [14]


:BitTorront (tab)

Protocol Encryption [Enable] [allow legacy connections]


:Queueing (tab)

Active Torrents [60]

Active Downloads [63]

Ratio [100%] [ignore]

Untick seeding tasks

Untick seeding Goal, change to [4]


:Advanced (tab)

Change and click Set

BT.allow_same_iP [*True]

BT.connect_speed [*2]

BT.enable_tracker [*True]

BT.no_connect_to_services [*False]

BT.send_have_to_seed [*False ]

gui.bypass_search_redirect [*True]

net.max_halfopen [*500]

net.outgoing_port [*50]

net.wsaevents [*150]

peer.disconnect_inactive_interval [*900]

queue.dont_count_slow_dl [*False]

queue.dont_count_slow_ul [*False]

rss.update_interval [*20]

As most people know sp3 drops more limits on things :P This lil tool undoes them.

TCP/IP Changer Here

If your going to use this tweak don't change it to 10,000 as it says on the page. anywhere from 100-500 will be fine.

;;; More Guides also on youtube. (I just put a few of them together)


Updated a few parts.

please post some more ticks for speedup utorrent this trick works but my utorrent hang a lot after this setting i am using xp3 so what i do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tweaking the Advance base on this tutorial doesn't help, end up not being able to download.

Have to reset all except 'net.max_halfopen', which I set it to 200 as I have use TCPZ to patch my XP to 300

I am using utorrent 1.8.2

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  • 3 weeks later...

:BitTorront (tab)

Protocol Encryption [Forced] [Allow Legacy Connections]


Thanks for this tread,

I'm not an expert, but I think I have my good tricks (at least work for me).

I know that not for everybody is the same,

I have a 10,000 kbps download speed (which is 1250 KB/s)

and I have notice that the only way to reach the 1.1 MB/s

is to disable protocol encrytion and the allow legacy.

I have enable the DHT, local peer discovery and Peer exchange.

BUT I also know that this will depend in your ISP,

because there are ISP that try to block BT and if your comunicaction

is not "protocol encryption forced and allow legacy conection" you can be catch.

Please try for a while (remember to close and open Utorrent every time you make a change)

and Post here if you can reach the 100% of your download speed.

You can try with this high seeder torrent:

any episode of last volumen 4 of TV serie "Heores"

download from EZTV this has like 48,000 seders, I look at mininova.org .

CAn you please give special attention to if they appear seeder that have like 200-400 kbps speed of seeder.

I have never see this seeder before I make this tweak.

and by the way I have never change my TCPIP.SYS, so I don't need to change it.

Even I know it is limit to 10. why change if I can reach anyway the 1.1 MB/s of download speed.

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I am using utorrent 1.8.2

I am using utorrent 1.8.2 final, not the 1.8.3 beta

I have attach my Windows Screen, so you can see it.

My OS is Windows XP MCE 2005 with SP3, and I have VTP that is why it looks as Vista my XP.


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After implementing every tweak you mentioned and I knew it was pretty safe I did got some faster seeding but I get this allot.

The main tracker from where I am downloading sometimes stays half an hour at "each socket address usually can be used just once" (translated from dutch to English)

What's wrong?

This line is causing those errors, for me these errors arnt harmful and hasn't touched my download in anyway before.

net.outgoing_port [*50] [This one gives errors on some trackers]

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I have no clue what IPv6/Teredo did to utorrent, but my average speed increased ten fold.

After a fresh install of my os (long story on why), I downloaded the Godfather™ the Game which

is 3.11 GB. A download that big usually takes around 6-7 hours. After I installed IPv6/Teredo, my

download speed went from 251.26 kbps up to 2.65 mbps. It finished in just a little bit over an two hours.

IPv6/Teredo makes every torrent I download go from 0 to 300 kbps in under 10 seconds.

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  • 5 months later...

I've been reading the uTorrent forum, and it seems a lot of the settings presented here would rather cripple your connection than make it better.


uT forum thread - SPEED ISSUES

Here is a quote for example:

The net.max_halfopen advanced setting is not mentioned by Switeck above for a very good reason:

You should not increase it.

The only time you should change it is when you experience certain connectivity issues, then a setting of 4 or 2 might help. That's right, the option is there only so that you can lower it.

A high setting will only cause issues. It breaks many a consumer-grade router and it causes issues with Windows' OS level limit. Even if you patch the OS limit a windows update might undo that at any time almost always resulting in immediate connectivity issues.

Considering you get no advantage whatsoever (I repeat: none, nil, null, zero) from raising the limit it is simply idiocy or foolhardiness to raise it.

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does this Setting works on 1.8.4?:unsure:

I've been reading the uTorrent forum, and it seems a lot of the settings presented here would rather cripple your connection than make it better.

@Manpe can u suggest some NEW settings to make utorrent MORE faster?...:unsure:

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