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#1) Disable Hardware Monitor Splash Screen on Boot UP.

1) Bio's

2) PC Health Status

3) Show H/W Monitor in POST [Disable]


#2) Change The Name Of Operating System On Boot UP.

Follow #3 Guide To Boot INI.

Orignal - multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect

Example - multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP Professional XP2" /fastdetect

Example - multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="XP Professional XP3" /fastdetect


#3) How Do I Disable The Windows XP Splash Screen.

The windows splash screen looks quite elegant as you boot up your machine but, at the same time, it does hide valuable information. Beneath this superficial cover a host of other things are going on which are invisible to the user. As each and every action XP undertakes the detail is recorded on the screen beneath the Windows Splash Screen. If you feel you want to know what drivers are being loaded and everything else that is happening during the loading of XP you can easily disable the Windows Splash Screen.

1/ Click the Start button

2/ From the Start menu Right Click MY Computer

3/ From the drop down menu select Properties

4/ In the My Computer Properties Windows click the Advanced Tab

5/ From the Advanced tab click the Settings button in the section marked 'Startup and Recovery'

6/ Once the Startup and Recovery window has opened click the Edit button

7/ A copy of your Boot ini file will now open in notepad

8/ Take a look at the contents of the boot ini file and you should see a line which looks like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect

9/ To the end of this line add the following /SOS

10/ The line should now look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /SOS

11/ Now go to File on the main notepad toolbar and click Save to save your changes

12/ Close Notepad and Exit the other open windows

13/ When you restart your PC you will simply see a list of drivers etc as they load. The splash screen will no longer be visible

14/ To re-enable the splash screen follow the instructions above and remove the / SOS switch


Here is what a standard bootcfg may look like, yours may differ slightly depending on your HDD configuration

[boot loader] <- tells the system what this file is

timeout=30 <- how long you have to choose if there were two options for booting

default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS <- the first selection that will be highlighted on POST

[operating systems] <- where you put in your multiple OS's or boot options for them

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /usepmtimer <- tells the system, cable slot or channel, which disk on that channel, then which partition on that disk, then the folder the words betweent the quotes you can make what you want so you know what you are booting into

now we will get down to switches, or those little /options in the bootcfg first i'll cover the important ones, then all the extras

/fastdetect basically this tells the OS to skip NTDETECT from looking for serial and parallel device connections, allows for fast booting.

/NoExecute=(OptIn, OptOut, AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff) simple security feature to help with stopping the execution of arbitrary data, and lessen the chance of a buffer overflow attack. OptIn (only programs that support may use it) Optout (programs that support, don't have to use it) AlwaysOn (every program uses it) AlwaysOff (DEP isn't used)

/usepmtimer this is only really needed if you have an AMD system that supports Cool'n'Quiet technology, it enables programs that query the system time, to report accurately, it is basically a patch.

Now the somewhat more advanced.

/basevideo enables vga mode, that slow 640x480, default video driver.

/safeboot: (minimal, network, minimal(alternateshell)) boot to safemode. minimal (normal safemode), network (safemode with networking), minimal(alternateshell) (safemode with command prompt)

/sos usually used with safemode, displays drivers loaded, system version number, processors, and memory, basically completely unecessary for the average safemode user.

/bootlog also used along side safemode, writes a log of the boot to %SystemRoot%\Ntbtlog.txt

/noguiboot last safemode pair, disables the vga driver for displaying graphics when loading the OS, basically add this and you get no annoying bootscreen. smile3.gif

/lastknowngood last known good settings that worked

Now to the vaguely used.

/bootlogo create your own boot splash screen, make a 640x480 image in 16color mode, and put it in the WINDOWS directory saved as boot.bmp, use along side /noguiboot to disply this graphic.

/execute the opposite of the /noexecute, use this to disable that option

/kernel=filename use to define your own kernel exe, used by some programs to preserve the original kernel when using custom kernels for logon and boot screens.

/hal= define a different hal.dll or Hardware Abstraction Layer, basically, how the hardware and software interact and what is loaded.

/maxmem= the maximum memory windows sees, i.e. /maxmem=128 windows would ignore all memory more than 128mb. Note: you won't have access to your extra RAM with this feature.

/burnmemory= the maximum memory windows is allowed to use, it will recognize the ammount you have unlike in maxmem, but will only use what you specify in megabytes.

/3G sets a pagefile, or virtual memory for programs to 3gb, and 1gb more for kernel and execution. typically only used on windows server 2003 when exchange server 2003 is installed.

/userva used with /3G to specify the user space, or virtual memory allocated for programs to a value between 2 and 3gb, in this format /userva=xxxx so if you put in 2900, you would allocate 2.9gb for user space.

/debug starts the kernel debugger when booting. commonly used for remote debugging through com ports

/baudrate= sets the rate at which debug information is sent through a com port in kilobits per second default is 9600.

/debugport= set the COM port number used to transfer debug information when the /debug switch is used, default is COM2.

/channel= sets the channel used when /debugreport is set to 1394 for a 1394 connection, any number between 0 and 62 is ok here, 0 is default.

/crashdebug runs the kernel debugger until a stop command is received, use it when you crash on OS loading, at the end of the report sent on the comlink will be the error.

/nodebug turns off debugging completely, this can cause errors if a program has a debug option hardcoded in, and it needs to run.

/fastdetect:comnumber same effect as fastdetect, only you specify the com port to keep NTDETECT from looking at, seperate the com ports by commas.

/numproc= specify the number of processors to use in a multi processor system, disable extra cpus, i believe it is not compatible with multi-cores but i may be wrong.

/pcilock forces BIOS to handle pci input and output assigning, takes the load off of the OS.

/redirect= turns on Emergency Management Services on a windows server 2003 enterprise system, enter comx x being the com port number, or get rid of the = sign and let bios configure it.

/intaffinity tells the multiprocessor HAL (halmps.dll) to only send interrupts to the highest numbered processor.

/clklvl tells the HAL to configure itself for a level-sensitive system clock rather than an edge-triggered clock. what does this mean? it's about hardware interrrupts, that's all i know.

/break causes a break, or pause at the HAL initialization point. and will stop until a remote debugger is connected. if there is no debug option configured it will Blue Screen with a STOP code of 0x00000078 (PHASE0_ EXCEPTION)

/minint this loads the registry as a volatile hive so that changes made to it are not saved back to the hive image. lamens terms? registry is loaded as read-only, good for keeping little nooblets from messing something up.

/onecpu loads the system with only one cpu, used in multi cpu systems, again im not sure about multi-core.

/PAE loads ntkrnlpa.exe which is the version of the windows kernel that can take advantage of x86 PAEs or Physical Address Extension this gives 64-bit addresses to device drivers, typically used for testing device drivers in large memory systems, servers and such. more info on PAE here

/NOPAE forces loading of the krnl that does not support PAE even if the system supports it and has more than 4gb of memory.

/nolowmem used with /PAE so that the OS and software is only loaded into the memory above the 4gb mark, only use if you want to use 6gb or more in XP.

/noserialmice obsolete. replace by the fastdetect and fastdetect:comnumber switch, usage comx where x is the port number, seperate by commas. i.e. com4,3,2,1

/rdpath= could be very useful in repairing installs, specify the path, that can be on a network disk where a system disk image is located, often used with /rdpathoffset= to let ntldr know where the system image starts in the file.

/scsiordinal: directs windows to the scsi id of the controller, sometimes the id can change when adding a scsi device.

/win95 only used on triple boot systems, boots the consumer windows image, used only when ms-dos, consumer windows, and windows are installed.

/YEAR= specify your own year, windows will disregard the bios clock and use this year instead.

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  Sonar said:
delete post! found what i wanted

Would you share what you found with us? I saw the title and was quite interested...

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  Shought said:
  Sonar said:
delete post! found what i wanted

Would you share what you found with us? I saw the title and was quite interested...

Just turning off info that flash's up on boot up.

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  Sonar said:
  Shought said:
  Sonar said:
delete post! found what i wanted

Would you share what you found with us? I saw the title and was quite interested...

Just turning off info that flash's up on boot up.

How did you? I don't know how to either :) And i have that info too on boot.

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  Archaven said:
This thread seems funny :).

Well, glad you added to the fun. But i'll explain what's going on: Right after you press the power-on button you get shown some information about what hardware is connected to your PC and what kind of memory you have and stuff like that. And Sonar and I don't want this information shown, we don't know why, so don't ask us. ;) We just don't.

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  Shought said:
  Archaven said:
This thread seems funny :).

Well, glad you added to the fun. But i'll explain what's going on: Right after you press the power-on button you get shown some information about what hardware is connected to your PC and what kind of memory you have and stuff like that. And Sonar and I don't want this information shown, we don't know why, so don't ask us. ;) We just don't.

Sorry, I didn't really put much up, its was a simple thing, thought no one would need it :whistle:

Found a small guide.

Hope it helps.

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  Sonar said:
  Shought said:
  Archaven said:
This thread seems funny ;).

Well, glad you added to the fun. But i'll explain what's going on: Right after you press the power-on button you get shown some information about what hardware is connected to your PC and what kind of memory you have and stuff like that. And Sonar and I don't want this information shown, we don't know why, so don't ask us. :whistle: We just don't.

Sorry, I didn't really put much up, its was a simple thing, thought no one would need it :whistle:

Found a small guide.

Hope it helps.

K, well if that's all :) I guess this topic can be deleted with your approval too?

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  Shought said:
  Sonar said:
  Shought said:
  Archaven said:
This thread seems funny :whistle:.

Well, glad you added to the fun. But i'll explain what's going on: Right after you press the power-on button you get shown some information about what hardware is connected to your PC and what kind of memory you have and stuff like that. And Sonar and I don't want this information shown, we don't know why, so don't ask us. :whistle: We just don't.

Sorry, I didn't really put much up, its was a simple thing, thought no one would need it :P

Found a small guide.

Hope it helps.

K, well if that's all ;) I guess this topic can be deleted with your approval too?

Added a bit more :)

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Whooaaaw, my bad. Didn't see that, not sure if you posted it before my reply though. Now it's definitely not to be deleted.

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moved to guides and tuts

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