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UltimateDefrag 2008 build 2.0.047


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@Shought: Just to be sure, when you mention 'Auto' you mean the Defrag Method or 'Auto' as int he Settings per Drive? =X

And IF Auto-Per-Drive, which setting to use on that.

Again thanks for all the assistance.

I am only aware of the setting 'Auto' as in a Defrag Method... I don't understand what you mean with 'Settings per Drive'? I think i understand now, you mean the 'Automatic percentage' you find in the Tools> Options screen, right? I didn't mean that ;)

I checked out the 'Auto' defrag method and i found out that they made some changes to it. So i'll have to change my statement i made before.

I think it's best for you to use the Auto method for your 300GB drive(Select 'Put directories close to MFT', 'After most frequently used data' and set the slider to 'Optimum') and you should use the Consolidate method for your 80GB drive(Follow the things i put below)

Following only applies to Cultivator's HD, for a general configuration that should work for nearly anyone when applied correctly go to my previous post in this topic. This post.



- *.rar files(Believe it or not, but these files are 'Archives', wonder where they belong...)

- *.zip files(''Same as above'')

- *.cab files(Same as above, with the difference these are much used as Installer Archives)


Differs, depends on how full your 80GB HD is.

My recommendation(Do note, these values only applies to a HD solely used for installing Windows and programs!):

0-20GB used: 0-10%

20-40GB used: 10-20%

40-60GB used: 20-25%

>60GB used: 30 %


- In case you use MS Office, you can select C:/MSOCache/ here, these are the installer files for MS Office, which you probably won't be needing any time soon.

- C:/System Volume Information/ (Place where System Restore information is stored(if activated). You probably never use this data, and when you do you won't be worrying about speed, believe me wink.gif On smaller systems i recommend setting this option on for once, creating one restore point, making a .rar file out of this, putting that somewhere safe and deactivating it. This way you can always extract the .rar file into the previously mentioned folder and activate System Restore again)

- C:/Windows/Driver Cache/ (Name says all... Place where possibly needed drivers are stored, but you probably won't need them after you installed your system. (Except for when adding new hardware of course))

- C:/Windows/Installer/ (Installer database, used when you uninstall a program. In my case this is an event that won't happen very often, so it pick these files wink.gif)

- C:/Windows/$NTUninstall.......... all these folders can be safely put into the 'Archive region' since they're uninstallers for Windows Updates and Windows products like WMP 11 and such. If you think you will never need those, most unlikely, you can also delete them(i do NOT recommend this))

- C:/Windows/$hf_mig$ (Contains Windows Update data as well...)

- Any other files you can think of you will never use...

High Performance:


- *.exe All .exe files(I have never used this option myself, but UD recommends it. It is quite logic, all executables should be high performance)

- *.dll All .dll files(''Same as above'')


Just set this value to 10% in case you miss any very much used Windows files(Like explorer.exe and such, which are in the C:/Windows folder which i don't want to select as a whole because in that case the Installer database and Update backups will become high performance too) that are not in the folders i specify in the next step.


- C:/Windows/Prefetch/ (This folder contains data that will automatically be loaded into the RAM at boot, programs you use much etc.)

- C:/Windows/system32/ (Do i need to explain this one? No, i'm lazy, just one word: System files ;) Did he just say ONE WORD, but he used TWO... Ohhhhh, shame on me)

- C:/Windows/assembly/ (Don't ask me what this contains, but it's probably some important MS shit...)

- C:/Windows/system/ (The same WORD here...)

- C:/Program Files (Program files... More explanation needed? Go ask your dad or ask the IT people at your school and laugh at them when they don't know...)

- C:/Documents and Settings/'Your username'/ (Select every folder in here except for 'My documents' which will probably contain those movies and large mp3 collections you want out of the way.)

That's it Cultivator :P This is the best defragmentation job i can put together with the information you have given me about your system.

If it was my own, i probably would've been able to do a better job since i know what files exactly are never/very much used, but i think you can use your common sense and pick those out yourself if there are any :rolleyes:

Hope i helped you with this!

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So, perfectdisk08 vs ultimatedefrag08, folks? :mellow: Your opinions from earlier experience? Thx in advance..

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So, perfectdisk08 vs ultimatedefrag08, folks? :) Your opinions from earlier experience? Thx in advance..

Never used PerfectDisk... But it sure does look good :mellow: I'd be glad to hear some experiences too, because i'd want to try it if people say it's good.

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In the past I used UltimateDefrag, O&O and PerfectDisk. I Like perfectdisk the best, for me it feels that this program gets the most out of my HDD. The boot-defrag is really doing something, one point I always doubt at, with UD (to quickly).

So really give PD a change :mellow:

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hi guys,

i red all the previous posts and i tried to defrag my HD with UD208.

I've a 300gb hd with 2 partitions of 50gb (for the OS....windowsxp) and 250gb (storage of movies,game,audio etc..).

I tried with the auto mode on both the partition:

-the 50gb partition dove it well...in few hours it completed the defrag and did a great job.

-the 250 gb never finished of defragmenting...UD2008 worked for 12+hours and the end of the job was not even near *_*

so i stop the auto method and tried the consolidate on the 250gb partition. It goes for 10 hours and then finished the job but in the diagram all the files that before the job were fragmented, at the end of the job were always fragmented (red colour).

i red all the manual and set all the settigs that i understood but the results were nearly the same.

my question is:

is normal that the defrag process takes about 10+ hours on a 250gb or maybe i've done some mistakes? (i always used the auslogics defrag...it didi it fast but maybe it did it nothing really xD)


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hi guys,

i red all the previous posts and i tried to defrag my HD with UD208.

I've a 300gb hd with 2 partitions of 50gb (for the OS....windowsxp) and 250gb (storage of movies,game,audio etc..).

I tried with the auto mode on both the partition:

-the 50gb partition dove it well...in few hours it completed the defrag and did a great job.

-the 250 gb never finished of defragmenting...UD2008 worked for 12+hours and the end of the job was not even near *_*

so i stop the auto method and tried the consolidate on the 250gb partition. It goes for 10 hours and then finished the job but in the diagram all the files that before the job were fragmented, at the end of the job were always fragmented (red colour).

i red all the manual and set all the settigs that i understood but the results were nearly the same.

my question is:

is normal that the defrag process takes about 10+ hours on a 250gb or maybe i've done some mistakes? (i always used the auslogics defrag...it didi it fast but maybe it did it nothing really xD)


Hmmm, could you try this for me? First use the 'Fragmented files only' defragmentation method and after that try using your method of choice(either Auto or Consolidate) did this do any good? Another question: How much free HD space do you have on the 250GB partition?

Also: Which ' Placement' option do you use? Fast, Very fast or Strict?

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Hmmm, could you try this for me? First use the 'Fragmented files only' defragmentation method and after that try using your method of choice(either Auto or Consolidate) did this do any good? Another question: How much free HD space do you have on the 250GB partition?

Also: Which ' Placement' option do you use? Fast, Very fast or Strict?

thanx for the reply :rolleyes:

on the 250gb i've nearly 100 gb free.

i tried to do the frag files only and it takes 1 hour to complete the job...then tried the auto and it's going on...tomorrow i will know how much time it took :(

about the placement option...mmm...i select always fast if i remember well.

now i will see the results and then will post them...thanx for the tips dude!

btw...is auslogics defrag useless? *_* (i used it every single week)


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Hmmm, could you try this for me? First use the 'Fragmented files only' defragmentation method and after that try using your method of choice(either Auto or Consolidate) did this do any good? Another question: How much free HD space do you have on the 250GB partition?

Also: Which ' Placement' option do you use? Fast, Very fast or Strict?

thanx for the reply ;)

on the 250gb i've nearly 100 gb free.

i tried to do the frag files only and it takes 1 hour to complete the job...then tried the auto and it's going on...tomorrow i will know how much time it took ;)

about the placement option...mmm...i select always fast if i remember well.

now i will see the results and then will post them...thanx for the tips dude!

btw...is auslogics defrag useless? *_* (i used it every single week)


No defrag program is useless, some are more efficient than others though.

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yes, sorry, you're right. I meant that after seeing the auslogic do the defrag in a few minutes and using it every week, i was surprised on seeing how much "work" UD2008 was anyway able to do ^^

btw, the auto mod is still going on (16+ hours)...but now, watching the diagram, i can see the progress and the defragmented files moved and compacted.

it had to be a problem connected with my first UD2008 defragmentation xD hoping the next ones will be more quick (but if the results are really better pc performances...i don't care if it takes 1,2 or 10 hours to do the job. eheh)

thanx guys

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yes, sorry, you're right. I meant that after seeing the auslogic do the defrag in a few minutes and using it every week, i was surprised on seeing how much "work" UD2008 was anyway able to do ^^

btw, the auto mod is still going on (16+ hours)...but now, watching the diagram, i can see the progress and the defragmented files moved and compacted.

it had to be a problem connected with my first UD2008 defragmentation xD hoping the next ones will be more quick (but if the results are really better pc performances...i don't care if it takes 1,2 or 10 hours to do the job. eheh)

thanx guys

But still 16+ hours is NOT normal... Do you have a very slow HD or anything else that might limit performance? Try disabling AV/Antispyware whilst defragging? And this might sound like a stupid question, but: do you have any other 'background defragmentation program' running whilst defragging? Guess not...

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16 hours is mental... <<< pointless leaving it going that much ;)

With a 300+ gig HD it should only take something like 4-5 hours if that... (and that 300 gig can be FULL.)

That's with an old p3 ^, I'm sure the dual core will probs do a full defrag within an hour or 2

Your either running a pre war old p2 processor or running on an hamster! :P


Well he shouldn't really be needing to disable anything, as for best performance you close everything manually anyway.

Leading on from that "what sort of comp specs you running"? something dragging it down to take 16+ hours

Ive never had the built in defrag take that much time never mind UD...


Ty for the Guide Shought. Just thrown all that lot into UD :wtf:

I also run 2 drives, 1 for main 1 for films/mp3.

Just 1 thing that didn't get answered, In the left panel "options" for Consolidate(or any of the others), What box's do we tick or leave unticked?

respect high p...

respect archives....

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yeah....it wea really too much time xD

this morning i checked the status and the job finished. I tried to mess up the pc, moving, writing, opening files at random, changing settings etc and then tried to re-start the defrag with auto option enabled (with the respect layout ON,put near mft ON and perf. OPTIMUM set).

Well, now it took 1.5 hour to complete the job.

The first time i tried no programs were active on background, no AV, no antispyware, no emule (lol) and no others defrag programs...but the result you already know ^^

This time i was a little busy and simply not thinking about it i didn't turned off all these programs (there were running nod32,emule,Utorrent,mirc,noip,direct folders and supercopier) but this time all is gone ok.

Maybe my poor hd was really a mess...i'm a little surprised 'cause as i said before, i always tried to keep it in health running other programs like auslogics, ccleaner etc... xD

well then, thanx for the tips you all...now i will test if the pc performances increased or not xD

p.s. simply for knowledge, i have a p4 3ghz 1gb ram with a maxtor 6L300R0


Just 1 thing that didn't get answered, In the left panel "options" for Consolidate(or any of the others), What box's do we tick or leave unticked?

respect high p...

respect archives....

it was a question, right? (it's late here in italy and i really need some rest xD)

if you flag ON the respect HP and respect Archives in the consolidate option, UD will read the information that you set on the "option menu" where you can chose the files you intend will be processed as HP (the *.exe for exeple) and the ones you want to be processed as archivies (as the *.avi and *.mp3 and *.rar etc)

hoping not mistaked for something i go to sleep now :P bye

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Just 1 thing that didn't get answered, In the left panel "options" for Consolidate(or any of the others), What box's do we tick or leave unticked?

respect high p...

respect archives....

it was a question, right? (it's late here in italy and i really need some rest xD)

if you flag ON the respect HP and respect Archives in the consolidate option, UD will read the information that you set on the "option menu" where you can chose the files you intend will be processed as HP (the *.exe for exeple) and the ones you want to be processed as archivies (as the *.avi and *.mp3 and *.rar etc)

hoping not mistaked for something i go to sleep now :rockon: bye

Sonar thanks for asking and sggk thanks for answering for me :rockon: I will add this to the guide, but do you mind if i make it a bit more compact and clear, easier to understand :P You should tick the boxes Respect High Performance, Respect Archive and Put directories close to MFT. sggk already explained why ;)

Ty for the Guide Shought. Just thrown all that lot into UD smile.gif

I also run 2 drives, 1 for main 1 for films/mp3.

And yeah, you should read my guide ;)

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Just 1 thing that didn't get answered, In the left panel "options" for Consolidate(or any of the others), What box's do we tick or leave unticked?

respect high p...

respect archives....

it was a question, right? (it's late here in italy and i really need some rest xD)

if you flag ON the respect HP and respect Archives in the consolidate option, UD will read the information that you set on the "option menu" where you can chose the files you intend will be processed as HP (the *.exe for exeple) and the ones you want to be processed as archivies (as the *.avi and *.mp3 and *.rar etc)

hoping not mistaked for something i go to sleep now :P bye

Sonar thanks for asking and sggk thanks for answering for me :s I will add this to the guide, but do you mind if i make it a bit more compact and clear, easier to understand ;) You should tick the boxes Respect High Performance, Respect Archive and Put directories close to MFT. sggk already explained why :sneaky:

Thanks for the help.

Ty for the Guide Shought. Just thrown all that lot into UD smile.gif

I also run 2 drives, 1 for main 1 for films/mp3.

And yeah, you should read my guide :P

yeah I read it, and put everything into place.

main HD has basic defrag settings. "stripped guide"

second HD has settings for storage. "full guide"

I did a scan with the box's unticked lol "fool" (will rescan with them ticked now).

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yeah I read it, and put everything into place.

main HD has basic defrag settings. "stripped guide"

second HD has settings for storage. "full guide"

I did a scan with the box's unticked lol "fool" (will rescan with them ticked now).

Ok :) Glad it worked out now ;) I'm writing an optimized guide for 2 HD's but it's very hard since i only have one in each PC so can't try it and find out what's best. Theoretically i can of course put it together, it's just splitting my first guide in half, but then i have to figure out what to put in High Performance and what to put in Archive on a disk used as an Archive and a disk used as High Performance. Because mainly people have one HD for movies, mp3's, jpg's and other data files like that and one HD used for installing Windows, programs, games and such. Because of this the Automatic percentages will vary from HD to HD, not just like 10-40 but 0-90 or something, that's what is so hard about it...

I'm hoping that i win a contest here back in Holland. It's a contest to build the ultimate gaming PC and (as some of you may know) i've just put together my own PC a few weeks ago and it worked out very well. So i read some stuff, viewed some benchmarks and now i think i've put a great gaming PC together. If it is THE best (not a big chance, because professionals have built theirs too) i get it! The whole point: That PC does have 2 HD's so then i'd be able to do some tests and stuff ;) :)

For people wondering what to do with 2 partitions: I can't help you, i'm sorry. When you create two partitions the HD virtually creates a High Performance region and an Archive region, which is which i don't know, i guess it keeps Windows to the outer tracks(HP), at least i hope so!

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