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Google to release a Flight Sim Game?


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in the latest version of google earth (V6.1 at this time) i found a little secret in the flight sim files. C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client\res\flightsim\flightsim.ini

% Flight simulation configuration file.
dt = .01
% For starting simulation from current view, if putting the model in the air
% would result in a crash after less than 5 seconds, put it on the ground
% instead. Otherwise, put it in the air in approach configuration.
t_crash_threshold = 5
% For starting simulation from current view, if we're less than 10 meters above
% ground level, put us on the ground.
agl_limit = 10

% Mouse control sensitivities---the higher, the more sensitive.
mouse_sensitivity_aileron = .7
mouse_sensitivity_elevator = .7
% Default aircraft configuration and takeoff location (index in list below).
default_configuration = 'F16'
default_location = 4
% Help page relative to the base GE URL.
keyboard_shortcuts_url = 'ug_flightsim.html'
% Aircraft configurations. The last element in each row is for the future game <-------
% controller configuration.
configurations = [
'F16' 'aircraft/f16.acf' 'planet/earth.ini' 'hud/generic.ini'
'keyboard/generic.ini' 'controller/' 'controller/generic.ini'
'SR22' 'aircraft/sr22.acf' 'planet/earth.ini' 'hud/sr22.ini'
'keyboard/sr22.ini' 'controller/' 'controller/generic.ini'
% Format: Code name runway lat lon hdg
% Strings in quotes, angles in degrees. Positive latitude = north, positive
% longitude = east.
takeoff_locations = [
'SABE' 'Buenos Aires' '13' -34.553889 -58.425089 124.06
'NZCH' 'Christchurch' '02' -43.497446 172.522160 40.14
'EDDF' 'Frankfurt' '07R' 50.027659 8.534797 69.57
'EDDH' 'Hamburg' '15' 53.654087 9.975462 152.68
'VNKT' 'Kathmandu' '02' 27.684106 85.353379 21.80
'HTKJ' 'Kilimanjaro' '09' -3.430112 37.058441 87.71
'KBFI' 'King County' '13R' 47.540290 -122.311133 150.28
'EGHL' 'Lasham' '09' 51.186880 -1.043534 85.70
'EGLL' 'London Heathrow' '27R' 51.477668 -0.433437 -89.93
'KLAX' 'Los Angeles' '06R' 33.946810 -118.434667 83.44
'XCGX' 'Meigs' '18' 41.862985 -87.608226 177.10
'UMMM' 'Minsk' '12' 53.869409 27.527960 125.54
'KNUQ' 'Moffett' '14R' 37.424918 -122.054876 157.73
'LFMT' 'Montpellier' '13L' 43.585941 3.956276 124.82
'UUEE' 'Moscow' '25R' 55.977960 37.441379 -104.92
'KJFK' 'New York' '13R' 40.647358 -73.814497 120.84
'KPAO' 'Palo Alto' '13' 37.463741 -122.117653 141.81
'VNPK' 'Pokhara' '04' 28.196094 83.977091 39.59
'LOWS' 'Salzburg' '16' 47.804735 12.996743 156.97
'LSZS' 'Samedan' '21' 46.541291 9.889774 -151.15
'KSFO' 'San Francisco' '28R' 37.613579 -122.357234 297.94
'ULLI' 'St Petersburg' '10R' 59.799851 30.218684 106.40
'YSSY' 'Sydney' '25' -33.937875 151.188634 -105.62
'ENVA' 'Trondheim' '27' 63.457726 10.941489 -89.69
'KTRK' 'Truckee Tahoe' '10' 39.324790 -120.152594 120.28
'LOWW' 'Vienna' '16' 48.111801 16.581348 164.23
'NZWN' 'Wellington' '16' -41.318210 174.807468 -177.01
'LSZH' 'Zurich' '16' 47.470166 8.539790 155.01
VAngleMin = -60
VAngleMax = +30

on line 28 of this file is says "% Aircraft configurations. The last element in each row is for the future game". Does this mean we will see a full release of a google flight simulator powered by google's maps??? Maybe this is why there hasnt been any updates for the flight sim?

Post your thougts below :)

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Perhaps they are planning to release this game along with Chrome's planned implementation of gamepad controllers. Just a thought.

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  • Administrator

My memory is a bit blur on this subject. But there have been some talks about the following game by Google. Can't remember anything else. Quite unlikely though.

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