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How to: Google Maps + Firefox Keyword


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For the longest time, I couldn't figure out how to get google maps to work properly with Firefox keyword search, but recently I discovered a solution to fix this.


  • Create a Google Maps keyword search bookmark
  • In keyword search bookmark properties, delete everything after your google map homepage address and add /maps?q=%s
  • Example:

Detailed Instructions:

1. Go to Google Maps homepage

2. Right-click Google Maps search bar and right-click "add a keyword for this search", and assign keyword

3. Find the keyword search bookmark you just created and right-click > properties > location

- For USA users you will see something like this under location values:


4. Simply delete everything after your google map homepage address and add /maps?q=%s



USA Google Map Users:


Canadian Google Map Users:


(Note: I have tried a few countries and this method worked fine.)

That's it. Enjoy! :cheers:

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