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BufferZone Pro


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To take advantage of the free award-winning protection of Trustware's

BufferZone Pro just go to the BufferZone Pro Facebook Page and register for

the early release.

The Facebook promotion registration begins at 9am PST, December 15,

2011 and ends at 9am PST, December 16, 2011. Upon the end of the

registration period, Trustware will release BufferZone Pro v.4.00 for a 5

day sneak peek to all registered Facebook fans.

For registration and additional information, please visit the BufferZone

Pro Official Facebook page at:


Why BufferZone Pro?

  • Have you ever answered "yes" to a security question and regretted it?
  • Do you ever wonder if IM is totally safe?
  • Have you ever wondered whether e-banking is totally safe?
  • Are you worried about the risk of PC infection from using a USB device?
  • Do you regularly have to reinstall your computer?

If you answered "YES" to at least 1 of these questions you need BufferZone Pro.

I have anti-virus. Why do I need BufferZone Pro?

Anti-virus, firewall and anti-spam are recommended as a good basis for securing your PC. But the limitations of these popular security suites are well known. Anti-virus can take up to several days to respond to new Internet threats and needs constant updates and maintenance. This results in even more critical time for your security software to finally be updated against a new threat. Meanwhile, you are completely exposed and unprotected.

Anti-virus, firewall and anti-spam are recommended as a good basis for securing your PC. However, this protection can miss up to 40-50% of threats, especially hidden or unknown threats. BufferZone brings your PC protection to 100%.

As users rely more and more on the Web, popular security suites alone cannot guarantee safety and privacy. With BufferZone, not even a botnet can infect and take over your computer. Any attack would occur only inside an isolated environment, where all threats are kept separated from your trusted PC environment. Emptying or "flushing" this environment ensures that you will never become part of a botnet.

How Does BufferZone Pro's approach complement reactionary anti-virus?

BufferZone Pro's patented "Threat Virtualization" technology provides the final layer to your computer's defenses. BufferZone Pro is preventative protection that complements the reactionary method used by all traditional anti-virus.

BufferZone Pro prevents ALL threats, even unknown (zero-day) threats that anti-virus misses. There are no signature updates, no maintenance and no response time .

BufferZone Pro contains your Internet activities inside an isolated environment called the "Virtual Zone." The Virtual Zone is displayed as a red border around your screen. All potentially threatening programs and files remain isolated from your personal files and your PC's operating system. Your personal and private information stay in a separated trusted environment. All virtualized and trusted programs and files are easily viewable in the same interface.

In the Virtual Zone, you can browse the hat , download and open any file or application without threatening your PC and personal files. BufferZone Pro downloadgives you complete protection against Internet threats.

Threat Free P2P, Browsers, and IM

BufferZone Pro keeps you surfing, downloading, e-banking, sharing, chatting, and e-mailing to your heart's content - basically, using the Internet as it should be used. The Virtual Zone gives you total freedom, peace and security on the Web. With BufferZone Pro, you can do absolutely anything on the Internet threat free.

Keep your sensitive information safe in a trusted environment

Your personal and private information stay in a trusted environment making it impossible for spyware, keyloggers, botnets or any other Internet born malware from stealing your personal data and documents.

Sensitive areas or information on your PC that BufferZone Pro keeps separated from threats:

  • "My Documents" folder: BufferZone Pro hides and (visually) "locks" your private files and directories. You can easily add your own customized confidential files during installation.
  • E-banking and e-shopping: BufferZone Pro lets you browse trusted Web sites (Privacy Zone) such as e-banking and e-shopping inside the trusted environment. You can easily add your own customized Privacy Zone web sites during installation.

Threats from Removable Media & Storage Devices

External media and storage devices are quick and convenient tools for transporting and uploading files to another computer. But, popular gadgets such as USB hard drives, flash drives, floppy discs and CD ROM's are notorious for carrying viruses and other hidden threats. BufferZone Pro erases the risks so you can enjoy the benefits without the stress.

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I'm directed to my facebook home page when clicking the link. I think the default dereferer here is messing things up, I get to the correct page when leaving it out.

So use this for a link instead

site: http://www.facebook.com/

sharecode: ?ref=logo#%21/BufferZonePro

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I have used BufferZone before when i was using a 32bit processor, but i have been waiting for the developers to release their long awaiting 64 bit version. Anyone know if this is the 64bit version?

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I'd be cautious with this software unless they have fixed some nasty bugs..

This made my 32-bit Win7 OS unbootable,had to restore an Acronis full image backup..

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I'd be cautious with this software unless they have fixed some nasty bugs..

This made my 32-bit Win7 OS unbootable,had to restore an Acronis full image backup..

You're not alone my friend,i had to re-install windows because of this software a few months back so i 'd be very careful with it.

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