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Android Error: Out of space when trying to install apps.


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Hey, for some reason I keep getting this out of space error message whenever I'm trying to download more apps from the marketplace. I check my phone storage and I have 5GB free but it still gives me that error.

I only have about 6 apps that I downloaded which is a ridiculously low amount compared to most people. I connected the phone to my pc and loaded some movies on it just to test if it was really full but it copied all the files successfully so I know it has space.

Using Android 2.3.3 on Galaxy S but I don't think the phone is to blame because I saw other people with different brands getting the same issue. I tried rebooting but it didn't help. :(

I was thinking about installing Cyanogen but I want to wait till Android v4 is incorporated into their stable build.

Anybody know how to solve the out of space error?

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@anubisx has given a solution...however, if I may suggest that instead of restarting the phone, simply uninstall the Market. This will revert back to the version which was pre-installed on your phone (the one without the tiles). Then you can hit the Market icon on your screen and Accept the license again. You will be able to download and update normally as before.

@road_rascal...try uninstalling the Market. I do it every time I get the error. Do not worry, u will be updated automatically to the new version.

@EmuAGR...I have tried updating Angry Birds (big app 18MB) and Juice Defender (tiny app just a few KB). For both applications I have received the same error. Maybe there is a bug with the Market itself. But you be could be right though. Once you revert back to the old Market, the new Market gets updated automatically in a few hours.

This problem has been there for quite sometime now and am surprised why it hasn't been resolved. Hope they are already working on it!

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Thank you very much. :)

Your findings worked. As you mentioned, I noticed that the market updates itself after the first run so I have to uninstall the market updates and revert to factory version each time I want to install a new app. Not a big problem, I don't mind doing this since I don't install apps that often.

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Did you try this? : Go to the Application Settings (Menu — Settings — Applications — Manage Applications) and clear the data in Google Talk, Google Mail, Market, Google Apps, Download Manager and IM.

Don’t be afraid of the Clear Data button, it won’t delete the programs from your phone as they’re built into the OS. Instead this will clear your user settings, which will require you to re-input your Google Mail username and password. Make sure to also delete anything in the apps’ cache, too.

Open up Mail, Talk or Market and re-input your user name and password. Wait for the little sync icon to disappear at the top of the notification bar and then try downloading again. If you’ve already queued up some apps, just leave the phone alone for 10 mins. When you return, hopefully everything will be fine. ;)

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install letest Android Market v3.3.12 Manual






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Is there a 'Memory Manager' option on the handset?

If so, look for 'Primary Storage Settings', or similar for your handset.

If this is set to 'Handset Memory', that that could be your problem.

Try setting it to 'External Memory' or equivalent.


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I have not rooted anything yet. I wait to wait for a stable cyanogen mod based on Android v4. The problem is definitely a bug in the market app itself, I would not want to permanently stick the factory version because I would assume that they will fix the bug in future updates. In any case I have all the apps I need for now, I don't really install apps often, I just use a few so I'm ok with the fix mentioned in post#2.

I bought a transcend class 10 micro sd card so I will have extra space for porn movies and music etc. :)

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The out of space error is due to the size of the cache partition generally, as its pretty small on these handsets.

Clear your cache partition (Root or CWM needed) and you should be fine...

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