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got a bittorrent error? Read here then...


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Here is a list of Bit Torrent Errors that you may come across some day.

Connecting to Peers

At this moment there are no users to connect to.

Leave your torrent open and maybe the bittorrent client will connect (it may take some time).

Windows cannot find - c:\documents and settings...

Windows couldn’t find the torrent file

Right click on the torrent link and save it to your hard-drive, then open the torrent that is in your hard-drive by double clicking on it.

url open error - (7, 'getaddrinfo failed')

The tracker is overloaded

Keep the torrent window open and wait.

temporary internet files content 1.5 xxx don't exist

XP compresses temp internet files once it reach a certain # of files or 1/2 alloted space that is what causes the error

Either download the torrent to your hd and launch it from there.. or clear out your temp internet files.

problem getting response info - [error # 2] No such file or directory

The directory of C:/ is probably causing your problems, it's most likely a temporary directory that Internet Explorer uses when you left click on the torrent file.

Right click on the .torrent and select "save target as". Then save the .torrent file to a directory on your drive.

(IOError - [Error # 13] Permission denied)

If you start more than one bittorrent gui (the same torrent) it will give you permission denied

Go to Task manager and close down all bt-gui processes.

rejected by tracker - Your IP is not registered to use this tracker for this file

Probably the tracker is overloaded, so the owner decide to only allow certain IPs to use the tracker.

Leave your client open and it will eventually connect

Problem connecting to tracker: HTTP Error -1

Leave your torrent running in your client. The client will keep checking the tracker and it should resume eventually.

Got bad file info - path .**** disallowed for security reasons

The torrent contains files that start with a period (.). Stop your client and set it not to download the bad files.

Problem connecting with tracker - (10060, 'Operation timed out')

The server/tracker is down or too busy to process your request.

Just keep trying - leave it open.

<url open error (10061, 'Connection refused")>

Just leave your torrent running in your client. The client will keep trying to connect to the tracker.

Problem connecting to tracker - <url open error(10055, 'No buffer space available')>

A lot of routes in your routing table (due to a misconfigured router, or misconfigured default route)

'Problem connecting to tracker. HTTP error 503: service unavailable'

The tracker is down for a rest or something bad happened.

Leave the client open, it will continue trying to connect.

Problem getting response info - [Error # 2] No such file or directory: "C:\Documents and Sett..."

IE sometimes doesn't save the torrent file in the Temp Internet Files directory properly.

Right click on the link and choose Save As..., and save the torrent file to disk, and then click the file to launch the client.

Clearing the IE cache seems to help if this problem is recurring.

A piece failed hash check, re-downloading it

Means that you received a piece of the file that didn't check out as being correct, so it will be downloaded again.

Ignore the error, the client will automatically re-download it.

bad data from tracker -

seems to happen when the tracker is overloaded or otherwise flaky.

Safe to ignore this error.

Lots of stale connections in your connection table

A lot of data that is pending for sending or receiving on a current connection(s), which can't be sent or received for some reason.

Opening too many sockets at the same time.

Probably don't have enough free space on your hard drive

Problem connecting to tracker - timeout exceeded

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 503: Connect failed

Problem connecting to tracker - (111, 'Connection refused')

There was a problem contacting the tracker. Trackers tend to be heavily loaded, and connections sometimes fail.

Just be patient and leave the client open.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized

The administrators of this tracker are not allowing it to be used for this torrent.

Try going to the web site associated with the tracker and see if you can find an updated torrent.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Probably a stale torrent.

Try to find a new link to the torrent.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required

You may need to configure a username and password in order to contact the tracker.

Couldn't listen - (48, 'Address already in use')

Some other program is already using the port BitTorrent wants to bind to.

Check the ports on your other clients.

Problem connecting to tracker = (10054, 'Connection reset by peer')

This error occurs when the only peer you are downloading from disconnects from BitTorrent.

Your client will still attempt to find other hosts to continue your download from.

Problem connecting to tracker = Error (invalid passkey(0-))

If you spotted what you liked on another site or created the .torrent and uploaded it, and tried to use the same .torrent here it will not work you will need to find the file you want here and redownload the .torrrent from here and get it that way should cure your problem.

Trouble accessing files - Error # 24 (Too many open files)

Client keeps all the files being downloaded open which exceedes the OS limit.

Limit the number of concurrent downloads at any one time.

Connection refused

This usually means that the tracker is either busy (full listen queue) or dead. If it is just busy try increasing the number of query retries. I've seen some super busy trackers refuse hundreds of queries before finally answering.

If you get a dozen or so refused connections in a row, wait a while and try again. If it persists over a few hours, maybe the tracker is dead.

connect: timeout

The tracker is probably too busy.

Same advice as for Connection refused.

null reply

The tracker may be hosed.

Try again later.

BT::Bencode::decode Error (at position: 0)

The tracker did not properly return a bencoded result so it apparently does not implement scraping. This usually happens when HTML is returned instead of a bencoded result.

# Bad Request/403 Forbidden/404 Not Found

This tracker probably does not implement scraping.

Check with the tracker administrator.

Failure Reason: Invalid info hash value.

This tracker probably does not implement scraping.

Check with the tracker administrator.

No space left on device

Your client tried to allocate the space for the file on your HD, you get this error when you don’t have enough space to fully allocate the file.

Choose another location for the file and try again.

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What does Connection Closed By Peer mean?

one of two things:

1) Peer closed the program down that you was down loading from

2} they could have reset the peers in the swarm.

that's from what i know that is.

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