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Can you trust Comodo?


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Blog post:

"AV-Comparatives.org, bullying, censorship and financial deals with Anti Virus vendors."

Av-Comparatives Reply:

"Our reply to posts done recently by Comodo"

Do note: this isn't the first time Melih has "thrown the toys out of the pram". He is banned from some well respected security forums. I don't know any other CEO's who have this award.

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Melih has been there for a longtime :P

I know of an ex-employee who is owed several thousand dollars from this organisation :rolleyes:

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Didn't read all the later emails on Melih's site..... From a user point of view, one can complain about the transparency, testing, etc. of AV Comparatives. But making mislead claims, inspite of knowing how AV-C works and being a head of a company, is thorough unprofessional to say the least. Which is also proved by him posting confidential emails in pubic and then whining about things.

I did feel AV-C guys started the conversation in a little harsh way, if they know this guy is not helping, there are better ways to deal with him.

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For firewall, sure! For antivirus, sorry, I'm with Eset... Maybe not the best of the moment, but reliably stable in detection and performance. At least, That's what I see!

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I don't know if it's a marketing strategy or not but this behaviour is totally unaccaptable from a company's CEO. I red lots of bad things from this guy, maybe he is just crazy or something...

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Another testing site he's fallen out with. No surprise there but what's worse is airing confidential emails to the public. How can you trust your security when the CEO breaches it so easily. Should have stayed private.

He doesn't do himself or company any favours does he. I can't be bothered to figure out who payed who and for what, releasing private emails says it all to me.

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Hm, this is bad news... I've been using COMODO IS for more than 6 month and I'm happy with that... I know that Defense+ can be very annoying, sometimes the AV even didn't recognized some localized virii, and even detect most of "hacking" programs as dangerous files that should be deleted... But for me, the free product is good enough, it's a shame that its CEO screwed with AV-Comparatives due to low score of COMODO IS got.

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comodo ceo big mouth is not good at all,but beside that comodo is a good product,the antivirus having low detection is past 5.8 version is good :)

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This is what it is about:


I'm pretty sure Comodo decided against getting the results published due to the crazy amounts of false positives and due to it not being the "best" as they claim to be.

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Yeah, and who first started leaking private info and targeting the other company? :P

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Sure you can trust Comodo's products, but it has been known for a long time that 'the company Comodo' isn't great...

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  • 2 months later...

Comodo is awesome, i've seen reviews on youtube and it beats all the competition...just search for languy99 or malwaregeek and then comodo

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