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How to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client (the right way)


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If you have problems with your Symantec Endpoint Protection client , or you want to change it with another security sollution , there are two workarounds (offered by Symantec) :

- manually remove

- automatic remove with a special utilty from Symantec

You should carefully read first these threads :

1. How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client from Windows 2000, XP and 2003, 32-bit Editions


2. How to manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection client from Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 2008 32-bit


3. Completely remove Symantec Endpoint Protection products using CLEANWIPE :

You can use CLEANWIPE from Symantec to remove the AV and all other associated applications.

To download the utility, open the following web page in a browser:


Log in with the following information:

Login ID: cleanwipeutility

Password: CL3@nw!p3

Once you have downloaded the utility, please follow these instructions.

Note: The zip file is password protected.

Un-Zip Password: symantec

1. Extract the file to a new folder in a convenient location, such as the Desktop, using the un-zip password provided above.

2. Browse to the new folder and execute the utility by double clicking ‘CleanWipe.exe’

3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

The utility runs in verbose mode and will ask you about the components you want uninstalled.

Note: If the CleanWipe utility fails to remove Symantec Endpoint Protection, please proceed through the manual uninstall procedure for the version of the product you have installed.


For your convenience I uploaded the removal utility also to Mediafire :

- CleanWipe v12.1.671.4971.zip - 2 MB , http://www.mediafire...tp13y6857paebbb

- readme.txt - 4 KB , http://www.mediafire...g1qacftcx1ht6f1

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wow...that's quite a lot to deal with for an uninstall...gonna stick with NIS for as long as I can...lol

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go to uninstall then uninstall LOL

Excuse me , but this is a wrong way to uninstall a security sollution , specially when it comes from a nsaneforums member (that is suposedly be informed) B)

If that is the way you do it - then I can immagine that you have a lot of drivers , files and registry remnants from previous programs installed ...

If the official sollutions from Symantec seem too complicated , you should use at least YourUninstaller or RevoUninstallerPro , after that a good registry cleaner ... and hope that all will be ok ... :)

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