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Improve your IE speed even more


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1. First you need to download TCP Optimizer witch can be found below


2. Now after you download it go to this address, and take the tweak test


3. Start the tweak test and w8 for it to finish....after it does finish click on "results" and you will be taken to another page

4. Now just configure your isp settings (what type of service u use, dl speed, OS, Connection) and click "Recommend"

5. After you click "Recommend" a panel will show up with how much time it took to dl bla bla bla....and below you will see the recommendations

6. Now just go into TCP Optimizer and modify your current settings to the ones in the Recommendation panel and then click apply or OK and when asked to reboot click yes

Hopefully when your comp restart you will have a much better dl/up speed XD

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