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Microsoft Wants to Patent Emoticons


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The smileys and emoticons used in e-mail or chat messages belong to the program used

to deliver certain content...or at least that we thought. Microsoft, thinking that it doesn’t own enough patents, has decided that the emoticon business has to be in its courtyard.

In January last year, Microsoft submitted a patent request for the personalized emoticons, which are used in online conversations.

The patent refers to the assignment of a specific series of characters to an image and to the correct display of this sign to the recipient. Obviously, this initiative is not to the liking of open source software developers, and if the patent is approved, ICQ, AOL and Yahoo Messenger will have serious problems.

The patent in question has not been activated yet, although the US Patent Office announced it last week.

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another illegal patent that the world would not approve of even if our stupid lib democrat union employees of the patent office in the usa does.

you can not patent software period. that is what copyright laws are for. nor shitty idea patents that can cover everything that usually the patent onwer never made anyway. like the patents against ebay for paying for an auction. they should fought it more. remember the little f@#$er that gotten 16 patents on "windowing" for Y2K? he then try to steal money from companies threw letters. (pay me or i sue) funny how "windowing" had been in use since the 1950-60's. i hate those people and the worthless companies that set on patents they never made to later steal from people that took a chance and made something work. i can honestly say "the above" should be off ed and gutted like a the criminals they are. they have cause so much cost and lost in our economy, more then the made up cost lost to file sharing ever.

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Next we will have Microsoft trying to patent fire...

Which has been done by the way. :P

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this is stupid, and m$ wonders why they get hit with so many monopoly law suits. here's your sign... :P

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Guest oxygenuk

so is this saying we could see that spyware infested emotion pack become part of microsoft and its msnm? :(

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I think they have gotten away with so many things like these that they just keep going...

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