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brawl 10


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Brawl is getting close and Nintendo Power reviewed it in advance! They gave it a perfect 10 out of 10!

It pushed games like their reviews of Galaxy and Twilight Princess witch only got a 9.5 out of 10. The only other game they gave a 10 was Maetroid Prime 3 Corruption so this is rare!

They say it is truly triple-a-title and went over the top! Like I am I'm dumbfound the fit this all in a single disk and doesn't cost more then a regular game!

As for The Subspace Emmisary they said it takes longet to finish than many other top stand alone action gaems to finish! As well as that there is more replay value by doing it again at a hardy difficulty level!

They said that Captain Olimar was the hardest character and the oddest character to control! They loved Sonic and Snake add a new flow to the mix making good new additions!

For controls they say the gamecube controller was best. The think the classic control is good if you alter the controls a bit. Although they said the wiimote and nunchuck were a bit odd!

Well, Thats prettey much it! I'll review the game as soon as I can so look toward that!




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