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Google Chrome v16.0.912.0 Dev


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Google Chrome v16.0.912.0 Dev


The Dev channel has been updated to 16.0.912.0 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame.


Updated V8 -

Native Client and Pepper plug-ins will be able to go use First Person controls for games and other applications after they go full screen and lock the mouse cursor. See PPB_MouseLock::LockMouse.


Chrome now offers improved battery life on Mac laptops with dual (integrated and discrete) GPUs. Currently the improvement is present on 2011 MacBook Pros running OS X 10.7.1, but will take effect on more machines as OS software updates are released.

Known Issues

Printing does not work - crashes the tab.

Crash in Instant (Issue 100521). Fixed on trunk; workaround is to disable Instant (if it’s already disabled and still crashes, please re-enable and disable, using the checkbox in Preferences -> Basics).

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