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How to find the Build and Revision Number in Vista


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If you use Vista you should probably know by now that there’s several versions of it (Vista Ultimate,Vista Home Basic,Home Premium,Enterprise,Business…..) and they have their own unique OEM versions RTM’s and several hundred more versions. Also talking about service packs you must have heard people telling the sp1 is not RC, its a beta version and so on. Now if you have installed a sp1 or refresh and want to know the exact product edition, revision number and build number, follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Open Start menu and in the search area type “regedit” and press enter. (this will open windows registry editor)

2. In Windows registry editor navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion”

3. Click “CurrentVersion” in the right pane and you will see lots of keys in the left pane. Look for the keys given below.(see screenshot)


BuildLabEx: The build and the revision number is here (also the O/S architecture and other details)(Eg:6001.18000.x86fre.longhorn_rtm.080118-1840, here the build is 6001 and rev. number is 18000)

EditionID: The installed edition of the O/S (Eg: Ultimate,Home,Business)

ProductName: The product name of the Windows vista edition installed. (Eg:Windows Vista ™ Ultimate )

Note: Do not delete or alter any of the registry keys in the above mentioned location.

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heh...well I didn't knew that :rolleyes:...

but not everyone has TuneUp....I have it but I barely use it :sneaky:

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