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IP.Board issues with postings


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I decided to collect several issues with the newest ipb in separate thread. Such thread seems to be necessary.

As for me, i can say i was surprised that my whole postings in the Coder's Corner were not the same as before.

My descriptions, sharecodings etc. have either unnatural big fonts or not the same color as wanted. That's especially going to descriptions, however sharecodings are problematic as well.

The only solution is to quote them because in quotes they behave with more equal font sizes. After preview i had to remove unnecessary spaces between letters.

Do you have trouble as well? Post your issue here.

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You'll have to be specific with the posts, as i cannot replicate these.

There is a completely new editor in this version of IPB, which does work differently to previous versions, thus may take some time to get used too.

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Hello Lite,

It surprised me a lot that the new editor is implemented.

My old posts which were done by old editor on the old IPB were totally screwed after updating on the newest IPB. The fonts had totally unnatural small size of 8, they were specified like usual 12 size earlier. The sharecodings have not blue color in the links anymore, so i had to define the blue color later on.

There is an issue there in comparison with Word. If i select the text in Word and change the font size, from 8 to 12, the size will be changed. Now while a text is still selected i choose the font size 12 again, still in Word. Nothing is happening and the font size is still stable 12.

Now i am doing the same in IPB: i select the text, change it from 8 to 12, the font size is bigger and stable. Now, while it is still selected, i choose the same font size 12. I see the font size screwed to smallest 8 again... :wtf: To recover the font size 12 you have to select it again, so the text will be showed bigger and stable 12 :wtf:

People have the same posting problems. Especially while sharecoding, the post behave strange. And descriptions of software have spaces between letters when you copypaste the text from another website and press "Preview".

thx, Olexijl

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The web apps like the editor are in perpetual beta-testing mode, so I wouldn't expect it to work "properly" in every browser. The sharecodes can be made blue or whatever other colour, but I don't think it's really needed, they serve their purpose as they are. Their future depends on Lite's taste :P

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All we can do is now get used to the new editor. Also the 'About Me' in my profile is written in tiny font. :(

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All we can do is now get used to the new editor. Also the 'About Me' in my profile is written in tiny font. :(

Like i said things are rendered differently.

It took me 3 seconds to fix your "about me", simply by changing the font size from 10 to 12.

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All we can do is now get used to the new editor. Also the 'About Me' in my profile is written in tiny font. :(

Like i said things are rendered differently.

It took me 3 seconds to fix your "about me", simply by changing the font size from 10 to 12.

Thank you so much for fixing it for me :)

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@Olexijl, i take you use firefox as your web browser?

Yep, i use Firefox 7.

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There are some bugs in firefox that stop the editor working as intended in certain circumstances.

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I just switched to IE9 and opened my threads in Coder's Corner. The difference in rendering is big between IE and FF. I think that IE renders wrong.

I am not sure which browser displays correct though.

My quotes are displayed differently. I think the rendering in FF is going to be good and clear and in IE the quotes are displayed not so good. How with Chrome and Opera i do not know.

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There is really no need to use the quotes. I can everytime to get posts to look the same, with or without quotes.

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