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Internet Download Manager 5.12.7


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IDManager.pngInternet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.


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Bless you :rofl:

ahahaha toyo you are real cool :) like alot of other people in this forum :w00t: i just updated to it :blink:

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I have a VERY noob kinda question

I am going off the idea of P2P as my ISP is not P2P friendly neither uT or eMule will download at any decent speed

Im am only starting out in the rapidshare idea of the net and my question is this

do sites like rapidshare allow the usage of these kinds of programs as I noticed every time I use a rapidshare link

I have to do one of those anti bot picture thingys which is ok for a file with just one part ( for me to do! ) and if i use a download manager in the future to get more than one link at a time will it work? or am I completely going in the wrong direction

or is it just because im using the freebie service

Thanks (and great site!!! )

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rapidshare lets you download from managers like IDM and its fast i know :rolleyes: also you have to pay to get that :frusty:

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I don't pay shit and still download with my IDM from RS ;) and yeah it's fast. And if I have to download more than 1 file, after I finished download one file, I disconnect and reconnect (from my ISP - so new IP) and go for the next file from RS.

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I don't pay shit and still download with my IDM from RS ;) and yeah it's fast. And if I have to download more than 1 file, after I finished download one file, I disconnect and reconnect (from my ISP - so new IP) and go for the next file from RS.

Thats what i use to do i think im gonna start again i have RS for one month im testing and getting ALOT :), and thats the way to do it toyo FREE. but to resume you need to pay and for multiple servers :)

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yeah, no resume without paying :) And waiting time also. But on a fast line the resume function is obsolete. Think about it, I dload the (max) 100MB files with speeds of 650-950 KBs from RS. I don't remember the last time I had to re-download something, and even if I'd have to, there's no much time to lose. And I'm in a shitty country. I saw some of the offers my ISP has in the neighbour country - Hungary, and they were double the speed at almost the same price. I can't imagine what speeds the wild wild west would provide :) ;) :P

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Well Im glad now I asked the question :D

so I can use a download manager good

on a purely *cough educational point what this about ?

Jman123 says

How do you use IDM to download stuff from rapidshare without premium?


I always have the same IP so I cant do what toyo does :D

but a premium account is not too expensive so that might be the way to go but I dont like the idea

of having to pay 4 0r 5 different rapidshare like companys!!!

but rapidshare seems to be the best known (Is this correct? )

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To get a new IP just turn of your MODEM internet box thing or disconnect... then wait about 30seconds then restart modem or plug back in :afro: there you go you have a new IP and you can download again from RS without the wait of 1hour or so... :excl:

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Ah yes. Some also have a cookie problem as I understand. It might be useful to delete them, at least the ones from RS. And some have static IP, some will have dynamic IP. For the IP to change on reconnect-reboot-etc, it has to be dynamic. Do a Google research :excl: even if it sounds terribly hard :afro: It will feel better afterwards :P

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Ah yes. Some also have a cookie problem as I understand. It might be useful to delete them, at least the ones from RS. And some have static IP, some will have dynamic IP. For the IP to change on reconnect-reboot-etc, it has to be dynamic. Do a Google research :excl: even if it sounds terribly hard :afro: It will feel better afterwards :P


I have that cookie problem you said first, so I use a good cleaner "Windows and Internet Cleaner Pro 5.92 " after having disconnected net (takes 5 sec to clean) , and connect again. 2nd file ready to download , but of course have to wait 1 / 2 minutes , depending on size file to download.

With RS Account, which I do not have at this moment, and IDM ( When configured to 16 connections) I can reach 1 MB /sec when downloading.


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I don't pay shit and still download with my IDM from RS :) and yeah it's fast. And if I have to download more than 1 file, after I finished download one file, I disconnect and reconnect (from my ISP - so new IP) and go for the next file from RS.


so I phoned my ISP and was told that I have a static IP address and that it dosent change and I cant change it

but they did say that I could have two or more computers and they would all have the same address...

so thats how I cant just disconnect from rapidshare and reconnect five minutes later .

but I have found a better site called depositfiles.com. for a multipart file you only have to wait 60 seconds between each part

and not 24hrs like rapidshare

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Static IPs have their advantages, don't be sad... And I can do DepositFiles with max 35 KBs, probably that's their limitation for non-paying customers. From RS I dload with much more...

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Static IPs have their advantages, don't be sad... And I can do DepositFiles with max 35 KBs, probably that's their limitation for non-paying customers. From RS I dload with much more...


Im not to bothered with a static IP!! and yes I find DepositFiles very good as I only have to wait two minuties for a multipart file

and not hours like with RS also Im getting the hang of using IRC to find stuff!!!

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