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McAfee Internet Security 2012 - 6 months license


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I know now McAfee is not in top 5 AV sollutions , but lately they improved (look here)

A few days a go , LeetPirate said that Symantec and McAfee are financialy leading the IT security world because they have good marketing .

Here is a sample of marketing genius from McAfee : last year , in jan.2010 McAfee and Facebook made a partnership - this way McAfee has acces to ~500mil potential users . Under the terms of the partnership, McAfee is Facebook’s exclusive provider of consumer security software, and Facebook users will be eligible for a complimentary six-month subscription of the McAfee Internet Security™ Suite software. Following the six-month period, Facebook users will be eligible for special discount subscription pricing.

If you want to get your McAfee Internet Security free for 6 moths you have to enter here : http://www.facebook.com/McAfee -> Like -> follow the next steps :unsure:


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Thanks for the share, but no thanks, wouldn't use it even if you shot me

Nobody is forcing you to get McAfee - I know you can get better protection .

I wanted to give another possibility to protect computer to the ones that prefer a security suite that decides for them (without needing IT knowledge)

This promo is not for advanced users ... B)

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You sure this is for the inernet security package?

I just installed this a few days ago to test, and it was just the antivirus plus package.

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You sure this is for the inernet security package?

I just installed this a few days ago to test, and it was just the antivirus plus package.

i think you went something wrong filling out the email address

you should use the the email you used registering in the mcafee

or the default email of your facebook.. check your facebook account setting

you must use that email before installing mcafee

to enjoy 6 months free trial of mcafee internet security


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thanx for the share i am not going to use this for me but definetly for my clients computer which i promised the free AV

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this is not IS from my understanding :/

yah, it aint is. just regular av.

hey ... do you follow the instruction carefully?

1st step - like their facebook fanpage

2nd step - check your facebook default email address (this is the one mcafee registered as mcafee account) 2l8l09g.png

3rd step - choose your country

4th step - mcafee facebook fan page will prompt you to create new password for your mcafee account 24e4ytj.png

the page will redirect you to mcafee download center

download the file

name of the file is McAfeeSetup (mcafee online downloader/installer) appx. 3.99mb

Mirror (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD mcafee online setup)

or go to this site:

site : http://www.mediafire.com/

sharecode: ?9d6bk9ehadt20sz

5th step : install mcafee

this will prompt you to enter your email and password

so your email address and password you must to use is :

email : [email protected] 2iue3om.png

password : the password you created in 4th step 24e4ytj.png

finally mcafee installer will download the program online

w8 for it... YOUR DONE! 6 months free trial of mcafee internet security will automatically inserted


if you want to gain more 6 months trial account then create new facebook with valid email address


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this is not IS from my understanding :/

yah, it aint is. just regular av.

hey ... do you follow the instruction carefully?

....finally mcafee installer will download the program online

w8 for it... YOUR DONE! 6 months free trial of mcafee internet security will automatically inserted

....if you want to gain more 6 months trial account then create new facebook with valid email address

Instructions are already simple - thank you (visualbuffs) for making the effort to make them crystal clear :D (+1)

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i can confirm that this aint IS. McAfee AntiVirus Plus was the product it was about to install after liking mcafee and creating your log in password.

Not McAfee Internet Security or McAfee Total Protection.

anyway, it's good enough but you can compare antivirus plus with the other 2 products to

see what you won't get (no interent protection for sure)

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anyway, it's good enough but you can compare antivirus plus with the other 2 products to

see what you won't get (no interent protection for sure)

You should look here :


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check the latest mcafee review by languy99. not sure but it might just have done worse than eset 5.

When it`s about reviews , you should avoid languy99 and PcMag , otherwise you will have really bad comp. experiences ... :huh:

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