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[SUG] The Asking For Cracks & Serials Rule

Rock Lee

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I just want to start by stating that I'm against allowing a request section or anything of the sort.

The aforementioned rule needs a tweak in my opinion because I see no point in providing cracks & serials on the front page but not allowing them to be requested for the software on the front page. Case in point the Process Lasso update that Toyo just posted. I didn't read the post he edited but the reason why he edited it just contradicts the point of nsanedown.

I don't mean for this suggestion to open the flood gates for every software imaginable but I think it would make sense to change the rule to this:

As such, any links or posts containing illegal content are not permitted. This includes and is not limited to cracks, keygens, serials and "licensed" software materials to software that nsane does not provide on its front page.

The first portion of this is unnecessary because people do this all the time here :lol:

The second portion plus my addition makes sense because whom ever updates the software provides a crack for it on the front page anyway. It defeats the purpose of having it on the front page & not allowing them to be requested here.

The only reason not to change this that I can find plausible is the DCMA law aspect. People who use this site & its forums are aware (or should be) of the trouble they could get into for using cracked software as it is. I'm pretty sure if Lite were to get arrested he wouldn't be the only one.

Just my 2 cents -_-

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It's not allowed, period.

I could explain you in PM, I'd rather not in public ;)

ps posts don't contain illegal material/content (such as a screenshot of a serial) or illegal links (direct links to illegal software). In addition to that we don't need people whining about fixes for frontpage applications, fixes will get posted as they become available.

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my understanding the winrar file on a didnt server.

the open forums can be easy google and found by 3rd party bad guys.

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So you would voice convenience.. over safety... :think: <_< I wonder what may actually be in mind...

Lets mention priorities... safety... regulations and laws... the administration of THIS site.... moderation... :think: Let's talk about our only necessary environment for work, testing, and play..

I could go on to include a few things along the lines of what has been mentioned before.. explanations however should not be needed.. due to common sense.. NOT to be rude.. but..

Now... with that in mind... and while we are here.. I think it should even go a step farther... I think that it should go two ( 2 ) deep than it already is now.. and removed from public availability.... One generalize idea that I may agree with is that ..' They are already there.... why not... ' BUT instead I state that this shouldn't be...and reverse it.. many other forms of temporary availability and platforms exist.. Intelligence over 'Black Ops' or vice versa?

From some the in same respect it is good to know.. but in truth frightening of all..

The same of tagging file or package with NFO or other which is boisterous and asking for prosecution with your damn signature on it... These really are not days of competitions of who can claim it.. or who dealt it.. ( not the choking air tight DJ Booth ) They are very different.. it is not about being on the run.. but being who or what you are.. and learning from idiotic mistakes.. truthfully.. this cannot be denied from the guilty... Those who have come and gone or even dynamically changed over time... No disrespect.. but you get it from me only then.... :D

People complain about everything.. you give them everything and everything will wind up killing you... Want popularity? well find it legitimately.. or has that market failed or changed?... What do we do this for again and why is IT important?

Pulling back before I get all... :huh:

There places that should be private and reserved for those who are and only are who they are... state of origination from should mean to be from everywhere - in... I see many who all the time have a disregard for it all and we get nowhere...

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