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  • Fallout 4 next-gen update, Steam Deck verification, and more land later this month


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    Microsoft and Bethesda are bombarding every service with Fallout-related announcements and releases today, just as the new Amazon TV adaptation of the series launches. Games from the series have joined Nvidia GeForce NOW, Amazon Luna, and Xbox Free Play Days today. But Bethesda isn't done just yet.


    The studio just announced fresh updates for the 2015-released Fallout 4 across last-gen and current-gen consoles, as well as PC, and they are landing on April 25.


    Bethesda first revealed it is working on a "next-generation" for Fallout 4 in 2022, saying it will bring higher frame rates, 4K resolution, and more content for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. While its original 2023 release timeline was eventually pushed back, the update finally has a confirmed release date.


    The update will upgrade Fallout 4 to native status on current-generation Xbox and PlayStation consoles, giving them Performance mode and Quality mode settings, alongside bug fixes and other improvements. Unfortunately, the studio does not go into detail on the exact resolution targets, but it does say the title will be playable at up to 60FPS on the current-gen consoles.


    As for last-gen consoles, Bethesda says, "PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will also receive a free update with stability improvements, login and quest fixes."


    Hopping over to PC, a hefty update will bring widescreen and ultra-widescreen support to the popular RPG across Steam, Microsoft Store, and GOG. Creation Kit fixes for mod makers and quest updates, alongside "stability, mods and bug fixes," will be included too. Moreover, Bethesda says login issues have been resolved for Japanese and Chinese language players on the platform, giving them access to mods.




    For players on the go, Bethesda confirmed Fallout 4 will be Steam Deck Verified following this update. Plus, the title will be released on the Epic Games Store for the first time.


    There's a whole bunch of Creation Club items being made available for free to mark the occasion. Head over to the announcement page to catch a glimpse at what players can claim and use in their games.


    The Fallout 4 next-gen update, along with all the other aforementioned content, will be released on April 25 for all platforms.



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