When you search for funny Google Maps coordinates, you’ll find many interesting, odd, and inexplicable places.
The tough part is to find places that are just funny. Upon realizing that, I decided to accept the challenge and find places on Google Maps that would make me laugh.
I had an amazing time putting together this list of funny places on Google Maps, and I hope you’ll have as much fun reading it.
Funny Google Maps Coordinates
If you’ve ever explored Google Maps via Street View, you know how much fun it is. It’s like a game that can take hours of your time without you even noticing it.
The reward is finding a place that grabs your attention. Below, you’ll find which places caught mine and made me laugh.
1. This and That Street

Coordinates: 44°44’19.3″N 63°18’15.7″W
Chances are you’ve heard about these streets. If not, then at least about the other street.
This place isn’t so much about what you can see but the conversations people have when giving directions to this location.
To see all those streets, make sure to turn on Satellite View because you can’t access them via Street View.
2. Flying Rabbit

Coordinates: 49°55’04.8″N 19°56’14.2″E
Google caught this little fellow in the village of Olszowice in Poland in 2013. More than a decade later, the bunny is still there.
This image got me wondering how high the bunny jumped. The official record for the highest rabbit jump is 3.2 feet. Google’s measurement tool can’t help measure this jump, but I don’t think this rabbit should be written off Guniess’s book of records.
What do you think?
3. Pigeon People

Coordinates: 35°42’14.7″N 139°33’27.8″E
While looking for funny Google Maps coordinates, the image of people wearing pigeon masks kept popping out.
It turns out this is one of the most interesting Google Street images despite it being taken 11 years ago.
And the unconfirmed story behind these Japanese bird people is that they’re writers who wanted to be captured on Google Street View without having their faces blurred out.
Ironically, you can’t see this unusual sight from a bird’s eye perspective.
4. Chimney Shark

Coordinates: 51°45’32.5″N 1°12’47.8″W
The image of a shark on a house roof was funny but also surprising.
The shark isn’t there to replace a chimney. So, what’s it doing there?
As funny and unusual as it is, the shark is a sculpture called Untitled 1986. A local radio presenter, Bill Heine, created this 25-foot piece in protest of war and nuclear weapons.
Today, you can book this four-room house and see the sculpture up close.
5. Counting Reindeer

Coordinates: 68°39’35.2″N 27°32’18.7″E
A Google Street View car caught this deer family in the region of Lapland in Finland.
They were minding their own business, eating grass near a road.
They were too close to the traffic if you ask me. That prompted me to check if they’re an endangered species. People hunt them, but there’s still a large number of them – about 7.5 million. And 12 of them are in the neighborhood of the S-market Ivalo in Finland.
6. Finally, Some Privacy

Coordinates: 37°51’02.1″S 144°59’41.2″E
This image is pure irony. How many times have you looked for a moment of privacy but couldn’t get it? Well, the man in the image thought he’d found that moment, but Google Maps interrupted it.
If you look at the image date, you’ll see it’s from 2009. The man has probably figured out that Cecil’s Place is not his private place. That’s why you won’t see him in other images from later dates.
7. Road Guitarist

Coordinates: 41°19’14.4″N 88°39’37.3″W
You can’t control a good vibe or the urge to strum a few strings… well, on a shovel. You understand everything about this image if you’ve ever pretended your pen or a banana was a microphone.
I won’t add anything to this Chicago, Illinois moment from 2015. As Justin would say, sometimes the greatest way to say something…
Google Maps gave us directions to an amazing scene with this one.
8. Strange Sidewalk Pattern

Coordinates: 40°43’05.6″N 74°01’00.5″W
What’s your view on sidewalk patterns? I’ve seen many of them, but never one resembling the image above.
Google blurred a man’s head, but because of a glitch, its back is embedded in New York City’s East River Greenway.
This place is often referred to as a pedestrian paradise and has a lot of spaces dedicated to sports activities such as a ping-pong table, and a basketball court. And back home, on your device, it has a glitch.
I don’t know about you, but for me, this walking route will never be the same.
9. Year-Round Christmas

Coordinates: 41°12’53.6″S 173°27’04.6″E
This gem from Google Maps isn’t funny in a traditional but more in a nice way.
If you’re someone who loves Christmas, add a stop to New Zealand’s Delaware Bay, and more specifically, the Whangamoa Road.
Rain or shine, in 2009 or 2022, the tree remains decorated. Google captured in 2009 when it had only a few ornaments. In 2020, it was fully decorated, while the latest image from September 2022, shows that people, harsh weather, or wild animals have been borrowing items from the tree.
I checked Google Maps’ live traffic, and unsurprisingly, the traffic congestion around this place is moderate. Someone’s either taking pictures of this beautiful sight or adding decorations (or stealing them).
10. Spontaneous Dab

Coordinates: 60°27’00.3″N 22°16’36.8″E
The next kind of funny is cute funny. The image above shows the famous dab, and this one was taken in Finland.
It all started back in the 2010s when rapper Skippa Da Flippa introduced the world to the now-infamous move. As time passed, the dab dance adoption rate went through the roof and divided people into ones who love it and those who hate it. There’s no middle here – except in this Street View image where you see a person in the middle of the street doing it.
If you google the phrase “Google Maps dab,” and switch the results to Images, you’ll find plenty of them. The question is whether you want to find these images.
11. Competition Ahead

Coordinates: 58°59’49.7″N 6°04’54.6″E, 45°02’30.2″N 93°27’44.8″W
The next image that found its place on this list of funny Google Maps coordinates is Google’s competition.
Can you imagine the Google driver’s face when he saw these TomTom and Bing cars? Would’ve things escalated if any of the three drivers stepped out of their car and did the dab?
And there must’ve been some banter. The guy from TomTom could’ve asked the Google car driver if he’d received a traffic alert about a nearby road closure.
Or they could’ve just squinted their eyes at one another.
The humor is the eye of the beholder.
See it in Street View, See it in Street View
12. There’s the Explanation

Coordinates: 39°57’41.4″N 75°09’22.2″W
Everyone needs some time to unwind. And everyone has a different way of doing it.
According to Google, the POI on the image is a Mexican restaurant, La Chinesca. The guy captured at these funny Google Maps coordinates probably went out for a drink and things got a bit out of control (I hope he’s fine).
The graffiti on his right is what makes the image complete. No matter what happens, if you find yourself here, you’ll have an explanation.
13. Giant Cup

Coordinates: 58°16’07.9″N 6°47’38.3″W
By merely glancing at the image above, it appears that there’s some kind of a giant cup in the sky. That’s a funny image, indeed.
However, if you look a bit closer, you’ll notice that the cup is nothing but a part of the street pole behind it. If you go past this location and turn around, you’ll see where this cup belongs.
It’s undoubtedly more fun to look at the poll top as a separate object, but the truth is that’s just another Google Street View glitch.
14. Batman in France

Coordinates: 50°21’50.4″N 3°31’36.9″E
The first thing I did when I stumbled upon these funny Google Maps coordinates was googling Batman’s real estate possessions. I figured he might have a cabin in the northern region of France because that’s where this image was captured.
The area where Batman was spotted is home to two UNESCO World Heritage sites. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
And if you look at the dates, you’ll only see Batman in the image from August 2016. Street View didn’t capture an image of him after that.
15. Gift Car

Coordinates: 52°17’41.1″N 20°57’37.6″E
The last place on this list of funny Google Maps coordinates is a “beautifully” wrapped car.
The image was captured in Poland where someone had too much free time on their hands.
If you want to immerse yourself in the mystery of who’s done this, rotate Street View and observe the four people in the back.
That’s it for this edition of funny Google Maps coordinates. If you’ve found some funny places you’d like to share with us, feel free to do so in the comments below.
- Mutton
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