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  • Windows 11 name confirmed for two weeks and everyone missed it


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    Windows 11 name confirmed for two weeks and everyone missed it


    A now-removed Microsoft Azure support document had revealed Windows 11 as the upcoming version of Windows two weeks ago, and everyone missed it until now.


    Microsoft is revealing their new version of Windows this Thursday, June 24, at 11 AM EST, but has not publicly announced the name of the next OS.


    While a leaked build of Windows 11 has pretty much confirmed the new name, a new Azure support document spotted this weekend adds further confirmation.


    When Microsoft changes their support documentation, they also commit the changes to GitHub to keep track of previous versions and easily revert changes.


    As first spotted by BetaWiki owner Ryuzaki, Microsoft changed an Azure support doc over two weeks ago that clearly showed a reference to "Windows 11" in the document.

    Was there a Windows 11 mention literally hanging around in Azure docs for two weeks without anyone noticing?https://t.co/8MZrYESDyj pic.twitter.com/UIUtzu6QjQ

    — Ryuzaki (@rezedus) June 18, 2021

    An archived screenshot of the commit differences shows that Microsoft made the change over 17 days ago.

    Commit shows change was made over two weeks ago
    Commit shows change was made over two weeks ago
    Source: Albacore

    Microsoft has since removed the entire GitHub repository containing the reference to Windows 11, but WindowsLatest could grab a screenshot before Microsoft deleted it.

    Azure documentation showing Windows 11 name
    Azure documentation showing Windows 11 name

    In addition to the documentation, Microsoft is also running an advertisement in the Google Search results promoting their upcoming Windows event.


    This advertisement shows the search keywords 'Windows 11', 'Windows', and 'Windows operating system.' 

    Microsoft Windows event advertisement in Google
    Microsoft Windows event advertisement in Google

    However, it is not displayed when you search for 'Window 10', 'Windows 7',  or even 'Windows 12' in BleepingComputer's tests.


    While the advertisement is not necessarily confirmation of the name, it shows that Microsoft is targeting the 'Windows 11' keyword for their upcoming Windows event.


    It is pretty much confirmed that Windows 11 is the next version of Windows, but we will know for sure in just three days.



    Windows 11 name confirmed for two weeks and everyone missed it

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