Samsung has just unveiled the Galaxy S25 series phones at the Unpacked event. Alongside the launch, Samsung also announced that the top-of-the-line flagship, the Galaxy S25 Ultra, is the first smartphone to feature Corning Gorilla Armor 2. This year, Samsung Electronics and Corning Incorporated have come up with a major upgrade, with the Gorilla Armor 2 featuring the world's first scratch-resistant, anti-reflective glass ceramic material designed for mobile devices.
This new Gorilla Glass 2 protection not only enhances durability, but clarity as well. While it will be interesting to see how the Gorilla Glass 2 performs on famous YouTuber ZerryRigEverything's durability test, the Gorilla Armor 2 is said to offer superior resistance to scratches and also better anti-reflective properties. As a reminder, in the ZerryRigEverything durability test, the Galaxy S24 Ultra featuring the Gorilla Glass Armor protection performed well compared to previous-gen S-series flagships. The device had deeper grooves at level 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, compared to level 7 on previous devices with Gorilla Glass.
It is expected that this year's Galaxy S25 Ultra will take the protection to the next level. David Velasquez, Vice President and General Manager, of Corning Gorilla Glass said, "Samsung and Corning have a long history of collaborating to provide consumers with the most advanced and innovative technologies. With Gorilla Armor 2, we offer consumers an unparalleled user experience with the first durable, optically advanced glass ceramic cover material ever used on a Galaxy mobile device."
Lab tests conducted by Corning revealed that the Gorilla Armor 2 survived drops from heights of up to 2.2 meters onto a surface designed to mimic concrete. When competing materials were put up to the same test, they failed when dropped from just one meter. Samsung notes in the official blog, that the Gorilla Armor 2 also delivered four times better scratch resistance compared to lithium-aluminosilicate glass material even with anti-reflective coatings.
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