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  • Quantum error correction used to actually correct errors


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    • 9 minutes

    Microsoft and Quantinuum correct problems when entangling pairs of qubits.

    Today's quantum computing hardware is severely limited in what it can do by errors that are difficult to avoid. There can be problems with everything from setting the initial state of a qubit to reading its output, and qubits will occasionally lose their state while doing nothing. Some of the quantum processors in existence today can't use all of their individual qubits for a single calculation without errors becoming inevitable.


    The solution is to combine multiple hardware qubits to form what's termed a logical qubit. This allows a single bit of quantum information to be distributed among multiple hardware qubits, reducing the impact of individual errors. Additional qubits can be used as sensors to detect errors and allow interventions to correct them. Recently, there have been a number of demonstrations that logical qubits work in principle.


    On Wednesday, Microsoft and Quantinuum announced that logical qubits work in more than principle. "We've been able to demonstrate what's called active syndrome extraction, or sometimes it's also called repeated error correction," Microsoft's Krysta Svore told Ars. "And we've been able to do this such that it is better than the underlying physical error rate. So it actually works."

    A hardware/software stack

    Microsoft has its own quantum computing efforts, and it also acts as a service provider for other companies' hardware. Its Azure Quantum service allows users to write instructions for quantum computers in a hardware-agnostic manner and then run them on the offerings of four different companies, many of them based on radically different hardware qubits. This work, however, was done on one specific hardware platform: a trapped-ion computer from a company called Quantinuum.


    We covered the technology behind Quantinuum's computers when the company was an internal project at industrial giant Honeywell. Briefly, trapped ion qubits benefit from a consistent behavior (there's no device-to-device variation in atoms), ease of control, and relative stability. Because the ions can be moved around easily, it's possible to entangle any qubit with any other in the hardware and to perform measurements on them while calculations are in progress. "These are some of the key capabilities: the two-qubit gate fidelities, the fact that you can move and have all the connectivity through movement, and then mid-circuit measurement," Svore told Ars.


    Quantinuum's hardware does lag in one dimension: the total number of qubits. While some of its competitors have pushed over 1,000 qubits, Quantinuum's latest hardware is limited to 32 qubits.


    That said, a low error rate is valuable for this work. Logical qubits work by combining multiple hardware qubits. If each of those qubits has a high enough error rate, combining them increases the probability that errors will crop up more quickly than they can be corrected. So the error rate has to be below a critical point for error correction to work. And existing qubit technologies seem to be at that point—albeit barely. Initial work in this area had either barely detected the impact of error correction or had simply registered the errors but not corrected them.


    As the draft of a new manuscript describing this work puts it, "To the best our knowledge, none of these experiments have demonstrated logical error rates better than the physical error rates."


    Microsoft is also well-positioned to be doing this work. Its role requires it to translate generic quantum code into the commands needed to be performed on Quantinuum's hardware—including acting as a compiler provider. And in at least part of this work, it used this knowledge to specifically optimize the code to cut down on the time spent moving ions around.

    Error correction actually corrects errors

    The work involved three experiments. In the first, the researchers formed a logical qubit with seven information-holding hardware qubits and three ancillary qubits for error detection and correction. The 32 qubits in the hardware allowed two of these to be created; they were then entangled, which required two gate operations. Errors were checked for during the initialization of the qubits and after the entanglement. These operations were performed thousands of times to derive error rates.


    On individual hardware qubits, the error rate was 0.50 percent. When error correction was included, this rate dropped to 0.05 percent. But the system could do even better if it identified readings that indicated difficult-to-interpret error states and discarded those calculations. Doing the discarding dropped the error rate to 0.001 percent. These instances were rare enough that the team didn't have to throw out a significant number of operations, but they still made a huge difference in the error rate.


    Next, the team switched to what they call a "Carbon code," which requires 30 physical qubits (24 data and six correction/detection), meaning the hardware could only host one. But the code was also optimized for the hardware. "Knowing the two-qubit gate fidelities, knowing how many interaction zones, how much parallelism you can have, we then optimize our error-correction codes for that," Svore said.


    The Carbon code also allows the identification of errors that are difficult to correct properly, allowing those results to be discarded. With error correction and discarding of difficult-to-fix errors, the error rate dropped from 0.8 percent to 0.001 percent—a factor of 800 difference.


    Finally, the researchers performed repeated rounds of gate operations followed by error detection and correction on a logical qubit using the Carbon code. These again showed a major improvement thanks to error correction (about an order of magnitude) after one round. By the second round, however, error correction had only cut the error rate in half, and any effect was statistically insignificant by round three.


    So while the results tell us that error correction works, they also indicate that our current hardware isn't yet sufficient to allow for the extended operations that useful calculations will require. Still, Svore said, "I think this marks a critical milestone on the path to more elaborate computations that are fault tolerant and reliable" and emphasized that it was done on production commercial hardware rather than a one-of-a-kind academic machine.

    We still need more and better qubits

    Making sure this work is actually a milestone and not a detour, however, will require many additional improvements, as we're going to need a lot more than two rounds of error correction during any useful computations. Quantinuum's Jenni Strabley said there are a number of ways her company plans to push its technology forward. Some focus on further reducing the error rates of performing operations on the ions it uses for qubits. "Every 10th of a percent, every 100th of a percent counts because this is exponential in the overall circuit fidelity," Strabley said. "These two-qubit gates are used a lot. So a very, very small change in the qubit fidelity can make a big impact in the circuit fidelity."


    Ions provide an advantage here, she argued, because their behavior is dictated by physics rather than device-to-device variations found in manufactured hardware. "You can really come up with very, very, very good error models for these systems and then just systematically beat those [errors] down," Strabley told Ars. "What's the long pole in the tent? OK, this is what we've got to work on. You get that down, then it's the next long pole in the tent, and so on."


    One of the things Quantinuum expects to do in this regard is switch to barium ions for its qubits (it's currently using ytterbium ions). Strabley said that laser sources available to control barium ions have lower noise, which should improve performance.


    The second requirement will be a lot more hardware qubits—having 32 hardware qubits limits the error-correction system tests that can be done on the current hardware. The challenge for Quantinuum will be expanding the number of qubits without losing the any-to-any connectivity that's currently possible. (While the company had initially expected to scale qubit counts rapidly, it has instead kept counts low while focusing on reducing errors.)


    The current configuration looks like a racetrack oval, but expanding the length of the oval isn't a long-term solution, as ions will end up impractically distant from each other. Within two years, the company expects to move to a configuration that Strabley compared to the streets and avenues of Manhattan's road grid, which includes managing what she called a "weird" magnetic field at the four-way intersections. Eventually, it will also need to manage the equivalent of interstates that allow ions to transit to different grid systems.

    Nothing like real hardware

    In the meantime, Strabley was excited to see error correction done on actual hardware. While it's possible to make good models for individual qubits that run on normal computing hardware, she told Ars that qubit counts have been reaching the edge of what's realistically possible to run simulations with without resorting to approximations. "The time of 'we can just simulate it' is—if it's not done, it's nearly done," Strabley said. "We're really in the age of 'you just have to go do it on the hardware.'"


    And she said that going to the hardware is revealing things that weren't obvious from modeling collections of qubits. "You can do a lot of work on these error-correcting systems—in simulation, in theory—but there's no substitute for running these on the hardware because you're going to learn a lot. And we did learn of additional errors that were coming into effect," she said. "Some of these errors, like what we call a memory error, we started to see some impact of that. And it's not an error that we've looked at as carefully, so we now have a battery of things we want to do to reduce that. "



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