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  • Lung cancer: Major breakthrough in the form of effective medication found


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    The medication Osimertinib, sold under the brand name Tagrisso, is effective in reducing the five-year risk of recurrent cancer by up to 73%.


    Medical science has made a major breakthrough in the fight against lung cancer, according to a report by Fox News Digital. Citing research published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the report highlights that the medication Osimertinib, sold under the brand name Tagrisso, is effective in reducing the five-year risk of recurrent cancer by up to 73% and the risk of death by up to 51%.


    In an interaction with Fox News Digital, Dr. Faiz Y. Bhora, chief of thoracic surgery and central region chair of surgery at Hackensack Meridian Health in New Jersey talked about the effectiveness of the medication and said, "In the world of oncology, that is earth-shattering."


    "In the past, medical oncologists were happy with 5% or 10% — and now we're talking about in excess of 50% improvement in survival," added Dr. Bhora.


    Interestingly, Dr. Bhora highlighted that he has recommended the medication to several lung cancer patients and it has yielded positive results for them.


    "We're truly in the era of personalized medicine. We now have a lot of targeted therapies that work well for patients who have mutations in their tumors," said Dr. Bhora.


    According to the report, the medication Tagrisso is effective for patients who have a genetic mutation called EGFRm and who have already had surgery.


    "The pill helps prevent recurrence once the tumor is removed with surgery for those with the genetic marker," said Dr. Bhora.


    Talking about lung cancer, the doctor highlighted that it's not just smokers who are at risk of contracting the disease.


    "We used to think of lung cancer as just a smoker's illness. Now, we know that over 30% of individuals who develop lung cancer have never smoked, and a lot of them are women," highlighted the doctor.



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    dont need any of that... just LEMON JUICE.. and don't eat sugar.. the cure to all cancers.. according to someone who believes in home remedies..


    according to them.. cancer lives on sugar.. no sugar and the cancer cells will die.

    the lemon juice no sugar added.. helps to kill the cancer cells..  there was also something about coconut oil to be taken 3 times in the morning and at night..

    On my reply i put don't believe all the BS you see on facebook..

    Just like the above BS about major breakthroughs.. didn't bother reading it.. as we all know when a break through it found.. it usually for the consumer.. the persons that got it.. way to expensive for anyone but the rich to buy..

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    17 minutes ago, andy2004 said:

    dont need any of that... just LEMON JUICE.. and don't eat sugar.. the cure to all cancers.. according to someone who believes in home remedies..


    according to them.. cancer lives on sugar.. no sugar and the cancer cells will die.

    the lemon juice no sugar added.. helps to kill the cancer cells.. 

    You were not born with this knowledge.   You must have read it somewhere.   


    17 minutes ago, andy2004 said:

    above BS about major breakthroughs.. didn't bother reading it..

    So you (1) read selectively and (2) you form an opinion that "it's BS" without reading it, eh?


    Hard to argue with a strongly-held pre-beliefs (home made or not?)


    Enjoy the lemon.   




    PS:  If you feel like reading:  (1)  Sugar's Role in Cancer and (2) Sugar and cancer – what you need to know and 100s more.  Thanks.


    Edited by aum
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    until the so called breakthrough is actually made public and thoroughly tested and doesnt have an side effects as in causing harm to the person taking it..

    example would be dia-morphine < a pain killer but also a poison.. ie if you dont die from what you have .. in the case of my father who was given it.. as he was bleeding internally.. he was given the dia-morphine.. by the hospital, it took 3 days to kill him..

    As i stated it wasn't my STATEMENT about the LEMONS but someone else.. i was trying to find the post to paste it HERE..

    a herbal remedy for cancer.. and also helps with other illnesses.. oh i did read that entire post.. which also talked about how rubbish and dangerous these chemicals are that people are given and do more harm.. kills one thing and gives you something else..

    I hope that for the people who can afford to buy it, it works for them.. but not all medicine is available in all countries.

    Dr Eric Berg

    Discover the power of lemon water! 🍋💦 Boost your health and wellness with these amazing benefits:
    1️⃣ Shrinks liver fat
    2️⃣ Lowers high cholesterol
    3️⃣ Aids weight loss
    4️⃣ Fights aging
    5️⃣ Fights cancer
    6️⃣ Prevents kidney stones
    7️⃣ Rich in vitamin C
    8️⃣ Packed with phytonutrients
    Plus, enhance the benefits by adding a splash of apple cider vinegar! Ideal for your Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting goals. 🌿
    Dr. David Jockers.
    For centuries, essential oils have been treasured for their extraordinary healing properties. But did you know they can also play a role in combating cancer?
    🍊 Citrus oils like grapefruit, orange, and lemon.
    🌲 Wood oils such as pine and cedar.
    🌿 Herbal essential oils like lemongrass, basil, and rosemary.
    🙌 And the list goes on!
    With so many essential oils claiming cancer-fighting potential, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’re excited to bring you a special gift: The Anti-Cancer Essential Oil Reference Guide by Ryan and Teddy Sternagel.
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    I can confirm one thing mentioned in the posts above about lemon juice.

    I had a kidney stone when I was 21 years old. The pain was excruciating.

    I was sweating, turning ashen-faced and pacing up and down rubbing my kidney area.

    Finally I was in the bathroom vomiting with the pain. At last the doctor arrived and gave

    me a pain killing injection. I was fine for many years, then I had the cursed thing again...

    same pain, vomiting etc as before and again I got a pain killing injection.

    Then my little witch, I mean wife, started to give me a half cup of warm lemon juice every day. I took it

    just to humour her...guess what?...twice I passed kidney stones that had obviously been

    lodged inside me. Lemon juice is alkaline, kidney stone is Calcium so the acidic lemon juice

    eroded the trapped kidney stones so that they were reduced in size and then passed through me

    and out.

    Since then I have not been so skeptical about natural medicines.:thumbsup::towel::thumbsup:

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    Also: 10 Disadvantages of Drinking Lemon Water Daily: The Risks and Drawbacks to Consider:


    • Tooth Damage
    • Frequent Urination and Dehydration
    • Effects on Bones
    • Stomach Upset
    • Heartburn
    • GERD and Ulcers
    • Increased Iron Content
    • Migraine Trigger


    One must drink even water in moderation.  


    "Also our preference for things deemed to be natural is so illogical and systematic that researchers have given it a name—the appeal to nature fallacy."  


    Actually, natural is neutral.


    Well, I am going to drink my -- naturally made -- herbal tea now.  🙂


    Good night!

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    A good guideline for home remedies is at "Your Complete Guide to Home Remedies: Safe, Dangerous, Fake, and Everything in Between."


    A good article to read is at HARVARD HEALTH BLOG: Home remedies that may be worth a try.




    Why try home remedies?


    Home remedies are inexpensive. Even though prescription drugs and over-the-counter products may be available for some conditions, home remedies may also be effective at a fraction of the cost. For example, the retail price of a year's supply of the medication for toenail fungus called efinaconazole (Jublia) is several thousand dollars, compared with $24 for Vicks VapoRub.

    Home remedies are also readily available when you need them. You may already have them in your kitchen cabinet or on your bathroom shelves. If not, they're likely to be as close as the nearest supermarket.


    The evidence supporting some home remedies


    Hundreds of testimonials for a home remedy on the Internet may provide some assurance that it may help and probably won't hurt you, but evidence from a well-conducted scientific study is far preferable. For example, a small study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Physicians in 2011 demonstrated that Vicks can help eliminate toenail fungus. In that report, 15 of 18 volunteers with fungus-infected toenails had significant improvements, and five had complete eradications of the fungus, after daily applications of Vicks for a year. Even the venerable cold therapy chicken soup has undergone scientific scrutiny. A clinical study published in Chest in 1978 demonstrated that drinking chicken soup increased the flow of nasal mucus significantly more than drinking either hot or cold water.


    The remedies listed below have been tested in clinical studies that have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals.



    What it is
    What it can be used to treat
    How used
    Comparable medical treatment
    Cost per use
    Chicken soup Nasal congestion Drink steaming hot soup Vaporizers, oral decongestants $.50 to $1.50 per serving High sodium content
    Duct tape Warts Cover wart with tape. Every few days, remove tape, soak foot, sand wart with emery board, and replace tape. Lasers, cauterization, acid therapy Less than $.01 Skin irritation
    Pickle juice Muscle cramps Drink one ounce Calcium channel blockers About $.19 High sodium content
    Vicks VapoRub Toenail fungus Cover surface of affected nail Oral and topical fungicides $.06 per day None identified


    A few cautions


    Seemingly benign home remedies can have dangerous side effects. For example, baking soda dissolved in water, once recommended for relieving indigestion, has sent hundreds of people to the emergency room with electrolyte imbalances. If you're taking any home remedy for an extended period, you may want to check with your doctor to see if there are any risks involved.


    Thank you! 

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