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  • Good riddance, 2022: Just 1 in 3 Americans had a ‘great’ year, with 57% expecting 2023 to be much better


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    NEW YORK  If you’re going to a New Year’s Eve party this year, make sure you leave within an hour after the ball drops. A new survey focusing on 2,000 adults’ plans for the special night finds that the appropriate time to leave — according to 52 percent of respondents — is within an hour after midnight.


    Nearly a third of people who celebrate New Year’s Eve will host a party this year (29%), results show. Those who usually host, typically invite about 19 guests – although a third of hosts go a bit overboard with the guest list (31%) – and this year, 71 percent of regular hosts plan on inviting more people than usual.


    Themed parties are still in according to 32 percent of those who celebrate, saying they’re likely to host an event that would require a festive costume. Besides a good theme, the top party essentials are, of course, food and snacks (84%) followed by music (76%) and cocktails or other drinks (67%).


    The survey run by OnePoll for Chinet also found that when it comes to being a good guest at a New Year’s Eve bash, people should bring a bottle of wine or alcohol (58%) or a dessert (48%) for the host to put out.


    Similarly, 48 percent think it’s rude to stay too late, but another 45 percent think leaving before midnight is equally uncouth.

    6 in 10 have entered the new year alone


    Overall, most Americans agree that New Year’s Eve is the one night of the year when no one should be alone (55%). Most have had to spend New Year’s Eve alone before (59%), and 54 percent of those respondents recall feeling lonely.


    The night has had a history of being special, especially for the six in 10 Americans who have made a friend or met a partner at an end-of-year party.


    Respondents reflected on some of their favorite memories of New Year’s Eve spent with others. Some standout comments included: “Barbecuing and doing fireworks with family,” “Having all my sisters come for a party and then sleep over at my house,” and “When I kissed a stranger who later became my true love.”


    “New Year’s Eve is a special time to round out the holiday season as you ring in a new year,” says Melissa Rakos, product manager for the Chinet brand, in a statement. “By using products that help make cleanup easier, like disposable dinnerware, people can worry less about the mess and focus on making memories with loved ones.”

    Only 1 in 3 had a great 2022


    Looking forward, most respondents are optimistic that next year will be better than this year (57%) – although 45 percent shared the same sentiment for this year, but this only turned out to be true for 32 percent of survey-takers.


    A third of Americans already have their resolutions planned out (36%), sharing their goals of making smaller, incremental changes (21%) as opposed to major ones (18%) – but 28 percent are going to implement a mix of both.


    More than half of respondents say one of their top priorities for the new year is to practice making more sustainable choices (57%) like reducing food waste (55%), using reusable bags more often (45%), and cutting down on disposable eatery (32%).


    “Sometimes hosts need an easy solution. Just as consumers are committed to creating more thoughtful habits, they should have options that support these initiatives,” says Rakos. “Ridding unrecyclable foam items completely is an easy way for people to get started with making these changes in their everyday lives.”



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