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How to organize and make ur desktop more efficient


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I've done a couple of things with my PC that I thought I'd share.

First of all to get rid of all the clutter of shortcuts and files on your desktop you have two options:

Option 1

Create a folder and remove the auto arrange options of the file but keep the align to grid option. Move all your shortcuts and organize them the way you like. (ex: by use, games, apps...)


Option 2

Install fences a free program from stardock that allows you to categorize your shortcuts or even make them disappear.


Now let's go about making the desktop more efficient. You can use either Yahoo Widgets or Google Desktop

Here's a comparison I got from this website I doubt that everything is still up to date but it gives a good general idea


A few screenshots: The first one is of yahoo widgets (I'm using 1 widget: the weather) the second is of google desktop. The black thing in the middle is a prompt that u conjure by clicking ctrl twice on ur keyboard and you can use to search ur computer or the web.




Notice the small numbers of icon on my taskbar ? You can choose what icons stay by right clicking on ur taskbar, clicking on properties then checking hide inactive icons and clicking customize and selecting what icons to always hide.

Use icons. You don't have to install a theme to customize the look of your pc, icons do the job quite well on their own. You can get icons and apply them to any folder. (suggested site 1 suggested site 2) Download icon packs from the suggested sites or any other sites and extract them to a folder. In that folder select "icon" in the "view" option (you know where you can select thumbnail, list....) to see how they would look like if you apply them to a folder. To apply an icon to a selected folder: right click the folder and click on properties, then click on the customize tab and at the bottom click on change icon, a window will open. Click browse and select the icon you wanted.

Microsoft signed themes that are good:

Zune Theme (black theme used in my screenshots)

Royal theme blue and black

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Yeah I needed this tips thanks,

My desktop is so full no more items can go on it Lolz.

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both of you are welcome :D

but I recommend you try the zune theme, the black royal theme is more like the color of windows media player 11 when the zune theme is really black. (you'll get used to the orange in time :rolleyes:) and note there isn't anything zune related in the theme. (ie: zune isn't written anywhere)

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