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  • ScreenHunter Pro 7.0.1461

    ScreenHunter Pro is the most advanced version of ScreenHunter with all the necessary tools included for your screen capture needs. It's the total capture solution to save you time and boost productivity. With ScreenHunter Pro, you can immediately see the benefits of numerous time-saving features and deliver the highest quality screenshots. As well, it offers easy-to-use user interface and maximum flexibility for a more interactive capture experience. Powerful and intelligent, ScreenHunter Pro has proven to be an incomparable helper of your business.


    Changes in 7.0.1461:

    • Windows 11 native functionality was applied to make it faster.
    • Updated using the latest Code Signing certificate.
    • Improved Image Editor Saving Files when exiting the app.
    • (New) Easy copy & paste images from any browser:
    • Improved Fixed area capture expanded to include zero and negative coordinates.




    Download | 7.0

    Download | 6.0

    Comparison | Free vs Pro vs Plus

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