Ant Download Manager is a fast and easy downloader of any internet files. It has the additional possibility of downloading audio and video files from many popular video sharing sites. Some of the features: Simple and user-friendly interface, Easy access to download the file, Categories, Preview content, Multithreaded downloading, Download speed acceleration; Supports network HTTP(S), FTP(S) and media stream F4M, M3U8, MPEG-DASH, RTMP(x), VIMEO-STREAM protocols, Full integration to most popular web browsers, Download your favorite audio and video from the Internet, Support for many popular video sharing, Support most popular Generators Premium Links.
Changes in 2.15.0 Build 89131:
- added the possibility of increasing the size of Video Button (by numerous requests of visually impaired users)
- updated color themes
- fixed Video Button stabilization
- refactoring and bug fix
Downloads | Inc. Portables
Download | 32Bit
Download | 64Bit
Note: This software only a free trial, and if you like it, support the software developer and buy it.