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PIDKey By Ratiborus


This program was made to view information about product keys Windows & Office. Then save it into a log file.

Keys support:

 Windows Vista / Server 2008 / CSVLK Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 / CSVLK Windows 7 PosReady Windows 8 / Server 2012 / CSVLK Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 / CSVLK Office 2010 / 2013 / CSVLK


- Check informations of Key (PID & Activate counts).

- Backup your Key list.

- Check License Information.

- Check ability to activate by phone of Retail & MAK Key.

Language: Russian English, French, Spanish, Chinese Simplified & Traditional.


v2.0.8 build 1001 -On Windows 10 Technical Preview OSPP is not properly determined, Office 14 keys are  not set.v2.0.8 build 1000 -The program now is multi-lingual, added the ability to change the interface language. -Added displaying Product.LicenseStatusReason on license products status,   if the parameter is not equal to zero (error 0x4004F040).vv2.0.7 build 2120 -Optimized input function of the keys from the clipboard. -Displays complete information about the KMS-Service when a CSVLK key is installed  on the host or KMS Host for Office 14/15.v2.0.7 build 2119 -Fixed bug on Windows 7, do not display the license statusv2.0.7 build 2117 -Fixed an issue where after changing ProductKeyChannel product cannot be activated. -Fixed a bug when saving the key database. -Increased execution speed.v2.0.7 build 2116 -Fixed some minor bugs.v2.0.7 build 2114 -Fully rewritten setting keys and activation functions.  -Improved sorting keys.  -Added an interface to set the key and activate.  -Added ability to save and restore activation.   Be careful, restoration of activation does not always work.  -Added button "Activate by phone".  -Added button "License Information".v2.0.7 build 2000 Final (I did everything I wanted to do, all that is planned. ;) ) -Fixed some minor bugs. -When adding a key, a message is displayed if the key is blocked. -Displayed the number of keys in groups ListView. -Added in the context menu "Move the selected keys to blocked". -Restoring Key Databases functionnow works from any folder. -Added the ability to delete selected keys.v2.0.6.1 -Fixed a bug that did not properly copy selected keys to a text file.v2.0.6 -Added the ability to hide keys by licensing channel (CSVLK, GVLK, OEM, MAK, RETAIL). -Added the ability to save blocked keys in a text file. -Added parameter "SaveBasePermanently=False/True" in В Settings.ini.  False - keybase stored only when the program exits;  True - keybase persists after adding each key.v2.0.5 -If there is no Internet connection when determining Activation Count an error occurred. Fixed. -Added ability to save and restore the keys. -Fixed minor bugs.v2.0.4 -Fixed some bugs.  -Added buttons for Undo and Redo.  -Added ability to password protect the base of keys.  -Added a tooltip when you hover the mouse over a key.  -Base-keys stored in a password-protected file. Folder KEYS    no longer needed.  -When processing files with keys *.key and *.cilx added to the database    comments to the keys of the files.  -Fixed some bugs with sorting through the fields list.v2.0.3 -Changes in the search key function. -When processing .cilx files comments are copied to the key. -Works sorting keys. -Eliminated a lot of mistakes. But certainly not all. :)v2.0.2 -Changes in the program interface. PID Checker windows combined with base keys.v2.0.1 -Changes in the program interface.v1.0.5.1 -Increased speed of the program. -Changes in the program interface.v1.0.4 -Added ability to view and edit files with keys.v1.0.3 -Field to enter key, you can insert a few keys. With any additional text. -Added sorting keys file. -Can add comments to the keys. -Search for the key, part of the key and comment.v1.0.1 -Changes in the program interface. -Added blocked keys to database.v1.0.0 -First version of the program.

1. Check ability to activate by phone of Retail & MAK Key

Select your Product from Save Activation drop down menu.!Click Set Key Bar >>>  Hit Set Key >> Hit Activate
1a) Determination Online activation keys


If specific key has online activation left PIDKey will activate the system automatically

======== Activation successful ========

1b) Determination Phone Activation Keys


0xC004C020 >>>> Means there is no Online activation left for the specific key but system can be activated Via Phone

Activate Office 15, OfficeStandardVL_KMS_Client edition ...0xC004C020 - The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit

1c) Determination Block Keys


0xC004C060 >>> Key blocked can not be activate By Phone

0xC004C060 - The key is blocked !!!

2. Changin & Phone Activation Microsoft Office Keys with help of PIDKey


a. Click Set Key Bar >>> Hit Set Key >> Hit Activate [see the screenshot on 2b) ]

b. Open Office Word and select Activate By Phone Option


d) Call Microsoft Free Tool UK number [+448000188354] I strongly suggest use this number


[uS Minor Outlying Island] [+18007548300]


e) Dial phone and when they ask:

First question are you home user or business ***[answer home user -dial1]*** Important

f) Type installation ID without making mistake

After second question how many computer you activated ***[Only One Dial 1]***Important

g). Type correctly the confirmation ID giving by robot in the confirmation ID boxes and enter the activation wizard finalize.



3. Keys Base/PIDKey Console



4. Checking Your License Information:


Name: PIDKey.exeCRC32: 3657C17DMD5: 1AF5C8EB006D5AB1B91ABCF7A1CB7391SHA-1: CEADF5C0A2E0E3F5C435D5D5563D0DE3A5029C96Size: 2.91 MB

Download Link [Latest Version 2.0.8 build 1002] :


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pid ====>

0xC004C008 - The activation server determined that the specified product key could not be used

wmc offline not online ...this mean in key checker

0xC004C008=== !!! The system can be activated by phone !!! ===

is it true or not ;)

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pid ====>

0xC004C008 - The activation server determined that the specified product key could not be used

wmc offline not online ...this mean in key checker

0xC004C008=== !!! The system can be activated by phone !!! ===

is it true or not ;)

I use this tool for Office keys, determination of Windows key there is another effition tool >>> KeyCheck RU, EN, ES By Ratiborus

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  • 1 month later...

04 December 2014 Topic updated >>> PIDKey v2.0.8.1002

Changelog:-Added "Remove all blocked keys from database" (Alt + press the button).
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